Textile Raw Materials in Circular EconomyLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: TJ00GE16
5 op
- knows Finnish and EU-level textile regulation and future goals from a circular economy perspective
- can evaluate the limitations of textile materials and their raw materials, as well as sustainability and environmental effects
- identify the limitations and possibilities of recyclability of raw materials
- knows the possibilities and limitations of recycled raw materials
- the basics of the circular economy in the textile and fashion industry
- regulation and legislation regarding textiles and clothing from the point of view of the circular economy
- possibilities of recycling textile fibers and materials
- renewable, bio-based and recycled textile fibers and materials
- selection of textile materials from circular economy perspectives
Core questions:
- How do legislation and megatrends guide material choices for circular economy textiles now and in the future?
- How to identify the limitations and possibilities of recyclability of materials?
- How to apply the circular economy in material choices?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
Can identify the basic concepts of the textile circular economy and related legislation and regulation. Identify the limitations of materials and the basis for choosing materials.
Participates in activities and performs assigned tasks according to instructions. Gather information.
Identify his communication skills. Can act responsibly both independently and as a team member. Can give and receive feedback. Considers the decisions he/she makes both for him/herself and for the team.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
Can set textile materials, their raw materials, and material selection to the perspective of circular economy. Can explain and compare alternative solutions and analyze relationships.
Acquires new information. Can apply the previously learned knowledge. Can present justifiable, alternative solutions.
Develops his interaction skills. Can give and receive feedback actively and interactively (throughout the process). Examines the solutions he/she has made also from the point of view of different players in the textile and fashion industry.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
Broadly understands the effects of materials and raw materials in the overall circular economy of the textile and fashion industry. Understands the factors influencing these from the perspectives of different actors. Can generalize and analyze.
Able to bring his/her versatile knowlegde to the shared use. Tests new operating models. Creatively combines the positive sides of different solution options.
Develops new, creative solutions. Systematically uses feedback as a tool for personal and community professional growth. Tests and evaluates solutions in terms of the overall circular economy of the textile and fashion industry, taking into account the different effects.