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(5 cr)

Code: 5T00CY57-3001

General information

Enrolment period

10.05.2017 - 28.09.2017


01.08.2017 - 22.12.2017


5 op

Mode of delivery

Contact teaching


Building Services Engineering


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages

  • Finnish


10 - 40

Degree programmes

  • Degree Programme in Building Services Engineering


  • Eero Kulmala
  • Aki Kortetmäki
  • Jussi-Pekka Juvela

Person in charge

Jussi-Pekka Juvela

Small groups

  • Tampere3 (Size: 0. Open UAS: 0.)


  • 14I253
  • 14I254

Small groups

  • Tampere3

Objectives (course unit)

The student is able to

- recognise the significance of real estates and built environments in energy use, efficiency as well as the possibilities for energy production
-knows how to find out about the national and international legislation concerning construction and recongnises how it guides the use of energy
- Describe the factors affecting the energy economy of buildings as well as the related challenges. Is able to produce a typical energy statement.
- Recognises the use of renewable energy sources as an alternative for real estates. Is able to make technical and economical comparisons between different solutions.
- Knows of the environmental administration and its practices
- Describe the significance of sustainable development and environmental concerns in constructions as well as the principles of life cycle economy in construction
- Create life cycle assessments and life cycle cost analyses

Content (course unit)

Energy services for built environments, the use of energy in Finland and its environmental impact. The regulations and guidelines concerning energy efficiency. Calculating the energy balance of a building. Energy efficiency requirements. The principles and practices of energy surveys. Healthy buildings, indoor air conditions and use of energy. The use of wind power, solar power and other renewable sources of energy in buildings. The goals of lifecycle assessments. The constituents of lifecycle costs and their assessment. The phases and tools for LCC and LCA.

Prerequisites (course unit)

Basic mathematical skills.
We recommend the course JOHDATUS ENERGIAJÄRJESTELMÄÄN or the 1st and 2nd year studies in Building Services Engineering or similar.

Further information (course unit)

The course replaces two previous courses 5T00BE24 and 5T00BE36. Some parts of these courses are now included in the Energy Project.

Assessment scale
