Finnish for Foreigners ALaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 5G00FV39
5 op
The course provides the basics of the Finnish language (estimated level A1.1 - A1.2)
After completing the course, the students will be able to:
• pronounce Finnish quite correctly
• understand and use short and simply structured expressions that concern basic
situations related to everyday life (introducing oneself and one’s family, simple shopping and food)
• learn to build up their vocabulary
• learn to use the basic structure of Finnish
• know, use and understand simple spoken and written expressions connected to
everyday life.
• study book Suomen mestari 1, chapters 1–4, 8:
o pronunciation exercises
o vocabulary exercises
o structural exercises
o conversational and drama exercises
o listening comprehension exercises
o reading comprehension exercises
o written exercises.
Arviointikriteeri, hyväksytty/hylätty
Students have been able to complete most of the assignments acceptably and they have attended contact lessons enough to show their progress. They can exchange greetings/farewells, introduce oneself and cope in the most common simple everyday situations. Students can use the most typical grammatical structures e.g. basic verb conjugation, possessive structure and partitive in simple sentences. They can write brief texts like postcards and messages. and pronounce Finnish quite clearly
It is hard for students to attend a simple conversation or create a short text. They don’t catch an idea of a very simple text. Their pronunciation causes difficulties to understand meanings of produced speech. They couldn’t have shown their activity by attending regularly and/or by submitting needed assignments.