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Planning Online Teaching and LearningLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 1L00ET80


5 op


Teacher student
- analyzes different online and blended learning environments based on theories underpinning learning
possesses multiliteracy skills and is able to develop these skills in their students
- can apply the principles of instructional design in planning meaningful online learning
- can apply educational technologies and social media tools in teaching
and facilitation
- builds and foster learning communities and communities of practice and can operate in a global collaborative learning environment
- has developed their professional identity as an online facilitator


What is a learning community?
What is a community of practice and learning as social participation?
How can you support collaborative learning in an online environment?
What factors contribute to meaningful e-learning?
How can you incorporate the idea of “learning everywhere and all the
time in communities” into a seamless flow of learning for students?
What is meaningful online learning?
How can a teacher apply education technologies and social media tools in teaching and facilitation?

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Pass: Teacher student
- combines theoretical data with their own experiences and observations while evaluating online learning environments and practices and how they contribute to learning
- reflects their observations, actions and experiences and evaluates their significance to their own competences and knowledge
- participates actively in the group learning process by sharing expertise, searching for information and collaboratively creating knowledge at online and at face to face meetings
- analyzes and evaluates their learning results and choices made
- uses educational technologies and social media tools in teaching
and facilitation

Fail: Teacher Student
- describes theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge and observations separately
- discussion is shallow, presents disconnected facts and/or paraphrases literature
- does not participate in the group processes actively and/or has not submitted the learning tasks according to instructions
- uses only the most common tools and activities provided by the LMS