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Learning Environments and Operating CulturesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 1L00ET74


5 op


Teacher student
- conceptualizes and evaluates their observations of various learning and operating environments from the perspective of teaching and facilitation of learning
- evaluates the taught curriculum in different learning environments
follows teacher’s code of ethics
- can justify their practical theory for teaching
- uses different communication methods and tools and evaluates them from a pedagogical perspective


A Learning Environment can be understood as a place, space, community or operating practice where we learn to operate, understand new things or evaluate various situations and solve problems.

An organisation's operating culture consists of patterns guiding its operation and behaviour as well as official regulations and unofficial rules, values and principles. The official operating culture in an organization and the one that is realized in practice are not always the same. By investigating the operating culture we can influence learning, facilitation and development of the operation of the whole community.

How can different work environments be assessed and transformed into learning environments?
What is an authentic, constructivist learning environment which supports different types of learning like?
What factors contribute to wellbeing in learning and working environments?

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Pass: Teacher student
- combines theoretical data with their own experiences and observations
- reflects their observations, actions and experiences and evaluates their significance to their own competences and knowledge
- participates actively in the group learning process by sharing expertise, searching for information and collaboratively creating knowledge online and at face to face meetings
- analyzes and evaluates their learning results and choices made
- uses different communication methods and tools and evaluates them from a pedagogical perspective

Fail: Teacher student
- describes theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge and observations separately
- discussion is shallow, presents disconnected facts and/or paraphrases literature
- does not participate in the group processes actively and/or has not submitted the learning tasks according to instructions
- knows only the most common communication methods