Planning Teaching, Learning and AssessmentLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 1L00ET76
5 op
Teacher student
- evaluates different ways of organizing teaching and learning
- understands the principles of competence-based curriculum
- applies constructively aligned design in planning teaching and facilitation
- compares and contrasts different pedagogical approaches and methods and evaluates their suitability to their own teaching
- can justify their pedagogical choices with reference to current literature
- understands assessment as part of a learning process and can apply various assessment methods
What is constructively aligned teaching?
What are the most common teaching and learning methods in your
discipline and how could they be developed?
How do pedagogical choices affect the objectives, contents and
assessment of learning?
How does the diversity of students affect the objectives, contents and
assessment of learning?
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
Pass: Teacher student
- combines theoretical data with their own experiences and observations while evaluating various teaching, facilitation and assessment methods
- reflects their observations, actions and experiences and evaluates their significance to their own competences and knowledge
- participates actively in the group learning process by sharing expertise, searching for information and collaboratively creating knowledge at online and at face to face meetings
- analyzes and evaluates their learning results and choices made
- uses different communication methods and tools and evaluates them from a pedagogical perspective
Fail: Teacher student
- describes theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge and observations separately
- discussion is shallow, presents disconnected facts and/or paraphrases literature
- does not participate in the group processes actively and/or has not submitted the learning tasks according to instructions
- knows only the most common communication methods
- cannot plan their own learning and needs constant support from the teachers