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Giramundo Coaching: 19SGIRAMUNDO1


1 vuotta (9 op)

Syksy 2019


This program was designed for teachers from the Paraiba state education secretariat, who have already taken part in a teacher training in Finland previously, with focus on entrepreneurship education, team building and coaching skills. This training supports the teachers in developing the needed competences to coordinate the new disciplines created in Paraiba state education, as well as foment possible new ones as result of the development projects.
The program includes school visits, theoretical background study and hands-on methodologies and practices from Proakatemia. The participating teachers will be exposed to different coaching techniques, such as learning sessions and feedback, which goal is to promote a change from the teacher mindset into coaching.


Participants will
• develop competences to enhance local programs or subjects taught at the State Schools or even statewide programs that have been implemented by the secretariat.
• be capable to take on the challenges of the new public policies and/or disciplines in Paraiba public education system and coordinate them.
• have a comprehensive understanding on the dynamics of working in teams.
• understand in practice how coaching differs from teaching.
• build a strong sense of team, because that team will work together state-wide.
• be able to strengthen the entrepreneurship education culture in Paraiba’s context.

Opetussuunnitelman kehittäminen ja työelämäyhteistyö

This curriculum has been developed in co-operation with the specialists in the field of education in Paraiba, Br. and specialists of entrepreneurship, team learning and pedagogical solutions at TAMK. Also, the students and entrepreneurs of Proakatemia have participated in the development. Continuous feedback will be asked during the process.

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Näytä opintojen ajoitukset lukuvuosittain, lukukausittain tai periodeittain

Tunnus Opinnon nimi Laajuus (op) 2019-2020 Syksy 2019 Kevät 2020 1. / 2019 2. / 2019 3. / 2020 4. / 2020
TK00FH52 Mentorship Skills in Team Building and Entrepreneurial Education Culture, 5 ECTS 5
TK00FH53 Development work, 4 ECTS 4
Yhteensä 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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