Genomic Data for Health PromotionLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 7L00FF84
5 op
The student
- is able to utilise national and international expert and operational networks related to genome data in developing expertise
- is able to apply genomic data in the development and management of the work community
- genome knowledge
- genome research
- national data banks and networks
- international data banks and networks
Participation in course on Personalised Health Promotion
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student
- is able to utilise the national network on genome data in the development of expertise, even if only in a limited manner
- is able to utilise genomic data in the development and management of the work community
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student
- is able to utilise extensively the national network on genome data in the development of expertise
- is able to utilise genomic data in the development and management of the work community
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
- is able to utilise the national and international networks of genome data in developing his/her expertise
- is able to extensively utilise genome data in the development and management of the work community, and act on those networks