Rehabilitation Skills in a Changing EnvironmentLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: NN00FT15
5 op
- is familiar with the regulations and recommendations governing rehabilitation and recognizes their importance as factors guiding the rehabilitation service system
- knows, is able to evaluate and develop the ways of organizing rehabilitation services and the operation of multi-professional cooperation networks
Rehabilitation legislation, guidelines and recommendations
Rehabilitation service system, social health care system and their current changes
The social dimension of rehabilitation
Rehabilitation services, their providers and financing, rehabilitation utilities
Coordination of rehabilitation services
Rehabilitation plan as a multidisciplinary tool
Entrepreneurship in the field of rehabilitation
Multi-professional collaboration in networks and interfaces
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
- is familiar with the legislation governing rehabilitation and knows its importance in the organization of rehabilitation services
- recognizes the importance of the multidisciplinary organization of rehabilitation services
- is able to evaluate the implementation of rehabilitation services
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
- takes into account the legislation and other guidelines governing rehabilitation in his/her own work
- is able to assess the multidisciplinary nature of the organization of rehabilitation services and its significance
- is able to present development proposals / develop rehabilitation services in accordance with current legislation and guidelines in a multidisciplinary operating environment
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
- is able to critically evaluate and justify the implementation of rehabilitation services
- apply the legislation and other guidelines governing rehabilitation services in the development of rehabilitation services
- is able to present diverse development proposals for the organization of rehabilitation services in co-operative networks