Specialized Piping TechnologiesLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: 5T00GZ92
4 op
In this course, students apply and deepen their knowledge of unconventional HVAC systems. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
• Identify various specialized piping systems and describe their connections to different production systems.
• Size a compressed air system.
• Describe in general different types of gas, steam, and condensate piping systems and their sizing methods.
• Evaluate the suitability of different piping materials for various purposes and maintain cleanliness of systems.
• Explore various methods for maintaining and cleaning piping systems.
• Identify sprinkler regulations.
• Understand the basic principles of central vacuum systems in buildings.
• Describe the support of unconventional HVAC systems.
• Consider pipe expansion in the support system.
• Teollisuuden ym. erikoisputkistot, niiden käsitteet, standardit ja viranomaismääräykset.
• Putkiston reititys.
• Putkistojen prosessitekninen mitoitus.
• Höyry- ja lauhdeputkistot, kaasu- sekä öljyputkistot, paineilmajärjestelmät.
• Putkistojen kannakointi.
• Laitteistojen, putkistojen ja nesteiden puhdistamisvaihtoehdot.
• Sprinklerijärjestelmät.
• Keskusimujärjestelmät
Heating and Cooling Technology Applications or equivalent knowledge
Refrigeration and Heat Pumps or equivalent knowledge
Air Conditioning 2 and Noise Control or equivalent knowledge
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student can describe in outline the operating principles of the specialized piping systems covered in the course. They can explain where these systems are typically needed.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student can size and design the specialized piping systems covered in the course according to given guidelines. They are familiar with equipment suppliers for these systems and can critically interpret their materials. The student can define the sustainable development elements related to the system.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student can create design documents for the specialized piping systems covered in the course at nearly tender estimation level and can engage in almost professional discussions with industry experts on the topic. They can assess solutions made from a sustainable development perspective.