Coaching for Practical Training and Safety TrainingLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5T00FH30
5 op
The student is able to:
• recognize different professions and companies in his/her own
• find out the requirements for different professions in his/her
own field
• write a job application and CV and can present his/her skills
• evaluate his / her skills against the demands of working life
• find out the basics of the employment legislation in his/her
• identify the basic rules of working life and hi /her own
development needs in relation to them
The student completes the
electrical safety training, occupational safety card, hot work
card and emergency first aid training
Criteria for practical training, the agreements and procedures,
reporting and other practicalities, information on contracted
employment and how to find a training place.
The course consists of coaching sessions prior to the first training session and
information relevant to the study programme.
Electrical Safety, Occupational Safety, Hot Work,
First Aid.
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student is well acquainted with different jobs and companies in the field of building services. He has the material
to apply for an internship and has been actively applying for internships in the industry. He / she is able to find out the
contracts and terms of employment and apprenticeships. Thestudent has participated in business events, trade fairs and
seminars related to the profession. The student has prepared a plan for the learning objectives for the practical training and a
career plan. The student has completed the electrical safety, occupational safety card, hot
work card and emergency first aid card trainings.