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Bridge EngineeringLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: 5R00GQ85


4 op


The central goal of the course is to understand the bridge as part of a traffic route.
Bridge structural design is not part of the course, but knowing the loads, quality requirements and construction methods of bridges provide a good basis for both design and construction tasks and also bridge repair work.
The student learns to recognize the types of bridges and knows their suitable applications and is able to evaluate the economic span and construction method for each type. The student gets to know bridge inspection activities, proper research methods and conventional demolition and repair methods.


Finnish bridges, bridge loads, bridge types and their suitability for different conditions, bridge structures, construction materials and functional quality requirements. Formwork, scaffolding, reinforcement and concreting work for cast-in-place bridges, as well as their quality requirements and the construction methods of the power column.
Wooden and steel bridges, use of elements in bridge construction.
Demolition work deals with various methods of dismantling concrete structures and especially the safety, planning and environmental effects of demolition work.
Inspection system for bridges, inspection methods for condition and the most common repair work methods.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recognizes the different types of bridges and their construction and repair methods with materials and quality certifications.
The student is aware of the bridge inspection process and the repair cycle.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

In addition to the previous one, the student understands the operating principles of different types of bridges as well as their construction and repair methods with materials and quality certifications.
The student understands how the bridge inspection process and repair cycle works.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

In addition to the previous one, the student can choose different types of bridges based on operating principles and their construction and repair methods.
The student knows the possibilities of using different materials and quality assurance methods.
The student knows how to plan the inspection process and repair cycle.