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Degree Programme in Business Administration, part-time studies, Tampere Region: Financial Administration

Code: 20ALITAI

Bachelor of Business Administration

Degree title:
Bachelor of Business Administration

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2021


This Degree Programme in Business Administration offers part-time study opportunities for people, who are interested in business, who dream about starting their own business, and who want to develop, test and act business ideas during and as a part of their UAS studies.

This Degree Programme will be carried out in co-operation with Tampere University of Applied Sciences, the regional business development agencies and municipalities. The Degree Programme consists of seven modules, each lasting one semester and providing 30 ECTS credits.

For two academic years (four modules) the student will learn comprehensive knowledge of business in theory and in practise, while developing their own business ideas. During the third academic year (modules 5 and 6), in alternate years, there is a possibility to specialize in entrepreneurship, financial administration or communications. Module 7 is to deepen the knowledge in personally selected topics by studying free-choice studies and by working with one’s Bachelor’s Thesis.


During the first year of studies you will learn the basics of different fields of business and how to create and develop products and services. You will strengthen your skills in studying, self-leadership, teamwork and communication. You will learn to see business opportunities and to build on them. You will reach the required level of Swedish to be allowed to work in the public sector.

During the second year of studies you will familiarize yourself with sustainable business, meaning that you will learn to deal with the economic, social and ecological success factors of businesses. By using your research skills you will be able to reach for the customers and to launch new products or services to the market. At the same time you may continue to work with your own business or project ideas or to gain more experience in a training job.

During the third study year, in Ikaalinen based groups, you will focus on getting confident in essential, entrepreneurship-related skills. Every entrepreneur needs to know how to run their company, so you will learn to act based on the economic indicators, to increase sales, and to take care of the personnel. You will be able to network, and based on research to construct various kinds of scenarios for the future of the business in hand. You will learn to lead the change of direction according to the current needs, i.e. international growth or other deliberate decisions.

During the third study year, in Mänttä-Vilppula based groups, you will head for strong knowledge in economic affairs. You will deepen your knowledge in business and especially in the fields of financial administration. You will learn to produce and utilize economic information for decision-making processes of business. You will be able to use various programs and tools to produce calculations and reports for internal and external use.

During the third study year, in Virrat based groups, you will strengthen your skills on different fields of communications, including your visual skills. You will learn not only how to organize events but also to get prepared for crises or otherwise challenging situations. Based on research you will be able to plan and lead communications, and to work as a communications team leader even in multicultural working environment.

During the last semester you will demonstrate your knowledge in your Bachelor’s Thesis. You will gain knowledge, skills and experiences from free-choice studies and from the work you do either in your own business or as a trainee to your learning portfolio.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

This curriculum has been developed in co-operation with TAMK, regional development agencies and other influences. The public aim is to offer possibilities to study and develop, test and carry out business ideas as part of the studies and for the regional needs.

The curriculum is based on a same kind of a curriculum that run 2014 - 2021 and also utilizes coaching style pedagogy. The curriculum has been updated to better meet the educational needs in Tampere region and to strengthen the extensiveness of business studies of TAMK.

Further information

Team learning and coaching are the main pedagogical approaches. There is a possibility to join the study modules via the open university or so called "polkuopinnot".


During the studies of Financial Administration students will deepen their knowledge in bookkeeping, taxation and other economic related issues so that they will be able to produce and analyze various kinds of information for decision-making processes. The base idea is that the student will be able to work as an entrepreneur or to have an entrepreneurial mindset to produce financial administration related services for customers.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 Autumn 2021 Spring 2022 Autumn 2022 Spring 2023 Autumn 2023 Spring 2024 Autumn 2024 1. / 2021 2. / 2021 3. / 2022 4. / 2022 1. / 2022 2. / 2022 3. / 2023 4. / 2023 1. / 2023 2. / 2023 3. / 2024 4. / 2024 1. / 2024 2. / 2024
Common Business Studies

(Choose all )

Basics of Business

(Choose all )

3H00FE15 From Passion to Business 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE16 Communication and Digital Skills 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE17 From an Idea to Business Activity 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE18 Basics of Business Economics and Business Models 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Product and Service Development Skills

(Choose all )

3H00FE20 Profitability and Bookkeeping of Business 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE21 Service Design 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE22 Marketing and Marketing Communicatios 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE23 Dymanics and Processes of Project Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE26 Professional Swedish for Business, Written Skills 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
3H00FE27 Professional Swedish for Business, Spoken Skills 2 2 2 1 1
Responsible Business

(Choose all )

3H00FE28 Accountancy Information Based Business Description 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE29 Basics of Payroll Administration and Legislation on Personnel 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE30 Supply Chain Management 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE31 Social, Ethical and Ecological Responsibility in Business 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Go to Market

(Choose all )

3H00FE34 Customer Profiles and Marketing Strategies 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE35 Digitization in Communications and Marketing 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE36 Research Tools in Marketing 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE37 Go to Market - Multichannel Launching of Products 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE39 Customer Service Skills 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Specialization Studies of Business

(Choose ects: 50)


(Choose all )

Managing SME Business

(Choose all )

3H00FE40 Strategic Economic Indicator Based Actions For Entrepreneurs 5
3H00FE41 Managing Sales and Customer Relations 5
3H00FE42 Human Reseources Management and Well-being at SME's 5
3H00FE43 Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I 5
3H00FE45 Presentations and Negotiations 5
Future Business Activities

(Choose all )

3H00FE46 Future Scenarios, Research and Trends 5
3H00FE47 Networking Skills in Business 5
3H00FE48 Chance Management 5
3H00FE49 Business Analysis and Readiness for Change II 5
3H00FE51 English for International Relations 5

(Choose all )

Advanced Financial Administration

(Choose all )

3H00FE52 Sound Accounting and Financial Statement Procedure 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE53 Significance of Economic Indicators in Business Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE54 Finance and Investments 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE43 Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE45 Presentations and Negotiations 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Providing Competitive strength

(Choose all )

3H00FE46 Future Scenarios, Research and Trends 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE55 Global Economy Challenges 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE56 Corporate Taxation 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE58 English for Financial Administration 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Optional Business Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

Practical Training

(Choose all )

3H00FE19 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 1/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE24 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 2/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE32 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 3/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE38 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 4/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE44 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 5/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
3H00FE50 Business Development or Practical Training 6/6 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

Total 210 55 55 55 0 25 30 25 30 30 25 0 12.5 12.5 15 15 12.5 12.5 15 15 15 15 12.5 12.5 0 0

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 1/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 2/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 3/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 4/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 5/6
Business Development or Practical Training 6/6
Bachelor's Thesis

No attached course units

Basic and Professional Studies
From Passion to Business
Communication and Digital Skills
From an Idea to Business Activity
Basics of Business Economics and Business Models
Profitability and Bookkeeping of Business
Service Design
Marketing and Marketing Communicatios
Dymanics and Processes of Project Management
Professional Swedish for Business, Written Skills
Professional Swedish for Business, Spoken Skills
Accountancy Information Based Business Description
Basics of Payroll Administration and Legislation on Personnel
Supply Chain Management
Social, Ethical and Ecological Responsibility in Business
Customer Profiles and Marketing Strategies
Digitization in Communications and Marketing
Research Tools in Marketing
Go to Market - Multichannel Launching of Products
Customer Service Skills
Strategic Economic Indicator Based Actions For Entrepreneurs
Managing Sales and Customer Relations
Human Reseources Management and Well-being at SME's
Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I
Presentations and Negotiations
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Networking Skills in Business
Chance Management
Business Analysis and Readiness for Change II
English for International Relations
Sound Accounting and Financial Statement Procedure
Significance of Economic Indicators in Business Development
Finance and Investments
Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I
Presentations and Negotiations
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Global Economy Challenges
Corporate Taxation
Free-Choice Studies

No attached course units

English for Financial Administration
Company Valuation and Risk Management
Pre-training Maths, Business
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis

Tamprere3 common learning outcomes


The student
- takes responsibility for his/her actions and the consequences of those actions
- is familiar with the principles of sound scientific practice and acts accordingly
- complies with the research and professional ethics of his/her field
- applies the principles of equality, accessibility and fairness
- is able to influence the community and society on the basis of ethical values and by using the competence he/she has gained

Social, Ethical and Ecological Responsibility in Business
Research Tools in Marketing
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
International outlook and global responsibility

The student
- actively follows up on the international developments in his/her field and understands the effects and opportunities
- works in international operating environments and is capable of international and intercultural communication in his/her work and in its development
- anticipates and takes advantage of the impact and opportunities offered by the development of the international outlook in his/her work
- identifies local and global issues related to sustainable development and their interrelationships within the ecological, socio-cultural and economic dimensions of sustainable development
- orients him/herself to the future by identifying the consequences that decisions and choices have for sustainable development
- is familiar with sustainable development issues and ways of forming knowledge about sustainable development in his/her scientific or other field
- is able to critically specify and analyse sustainable development aspects in his/her field and in cross-disciplinary settings, and be committed in the way he/she applies the things he/she has learned
- is able to act in a goal-oriented manner and organise activities to find and implement solutions that promote sustainable development

Professional Swedish for Business, Written Skills
Professional Swedish for Business, Spoken Skills
Social, Ethical and Ecological Responsibility in Business
Customer Service Skills
Presentations and Negotiations
English for International Relations
Presentations and Negotiations
Global Economy Challenges
English for Financial Administration
Learning skills and critical thinking

The student
- evaluates and develops his/her know-how and learning methods
- continually enhances his/her skills
- is able to solve new and complex problems and make decisions even in unexpected situations
- gathers, processes, evaluates, analyses and uses information in a versatile, critical and ethical way
- evaluates and develops his/her information gathering processes
- cooperates in the higher education community to construct information, and understands the importance of sharing information as a part of building his/her skills
- understands scientific thinking, reasoning and explanation

From Passion to Business
Research Tools in Marketing
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Social understanding and economic and leadership skills

The student
- has sufficient economic and leadership skills in his/her field and a willingness to expand this know-how
- is able to manage his/her work in a goal-oriented manner in working life
- is capable of planning work, working independently in expert positions and acting as an immediate supervisor when necessary
- understands the importance of economics and leadership in his/her field and knows how to build competitiveness through them
- understands the meaning of his/her work in the societal context and is able to participate in the public debate in his/her field

Basics of Business Economics and Business Models
Profitability and Bookkeeping of Business
Accountancy Information Based Business Description
Basics of Payroll Administration and Legislation on Personnel
Supply Chain Management
Customer Profiles and Marketing Strategies
Go to Market - Multichannel Launching of Products
Strategic Economic Indicator Based Actions For Entrepreneurs
Managing Sales and Customer Relations
Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I
Networking Skills in Business
Business Analysis and Readiness for Change II
Sound Accounting and Financial Statement Procedure
Significance of Economic Indicators in Business Development
Finance and Investments
Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I
Global Economy Challenges
Corporate Taxation
Information technology and digital skills

The student
- is able to use information and communications technology
- understands the importance of digitalisation in his/her field and utilises the digital operating environments available in the field
- promotes the development of digital operating environments in his/her field
- knows the risks associated with digital environments and takes them into account in his/her own actions

Communication and Digital Skills
Digitization in Communications and Marketing
Employability skills

The student
- is able to act as a member of a work community and promote the community’s and his/her own well-being
- takes into account the diversity of actors in the work environment
- functions appropriately in complicated situations
- understands the importance of networks in working life and has the ability to develop his/her own networks

Dymanics and Processes of Project Management
Basics of Payroll Administration and Legislation on Personnel
Human Reseources Management and Well-being at SME's
Chance Management

The student
- implements research and development activities by using existing knowledge and methods in his/her field, and produces new knowledge and methods for the field
- finds and creates new customer-oriented, sustainable and economically viable solutions
- thinks creatively and sees alternative solution-oriented ways of working in a variety of cross-disciplinary and working life situations
- understands the importance of the global problems humankind is facing, as well as the significance of development and innovation in solving them
- has entrepreneurial skills

From an Idea to Business Activity
Service Design
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Future Scenarios, Research and Trends
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 1/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 2/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 3/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 4/6
Business or Project Development or Practical Training 5/6
Business Development or Practical Training 6/6
Interaction and communication skills

The student
- works in communication and interaction situations in working life as required by the task as a member of the community, such as in a team or a project group
- is able to engage in constructive and expert social debate
- is able to discuss research-based knowledge and understand the status of different presentations and media texts
- is able to communicate and work with people from different cultures and master the language skills required in his/her field
- has mastered at least one foreign language at a level that allows him/her to follow the developments in the field and to work in an international environment

Communication and Digital Skills
Service Design
Professional Swedish for Business, Written Skills
Professional Swedish for Business, Spoken Skills
Digitization in Communications and Marketing
Customer Service Skills
Managing Sales and Customer Relations
Human Reseources Management and Well-being at SME's
Presentations and Negotiations
Networking Skills in Business
English for International Relations
Presentations and Negotiations
English for Financial Administration
Marketing and Marketing Communicatios
Company Valuation and Risk Management
Pre-training Maths, Business
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis

Code Name Credits (cr)
Common Business Studies

(Choose all)

Basics of Business

(Choose all)

3H00FE15 From Passion to Business 5
3H00FE16 Communication and Digital Skills 5
3H00FE17 From an Idea to Business Activity 5
3H00FE18 Basics of Business Economics and Business Models 5
Product and Service Development Skills

(Choose all)

3H00FE20 Profitability and Bookkeeping of Business 5
3H00FE21 Service Design 5
3H00FE22 Marketing and Marketing Communicatios 5
3H00FE23 Dymanics and Processes of Project Management 5
3H00FE26 Professional Swedish for Business, Written Skills 3
3H00FE27 Professional Swedish for Business, Spoken Skills 2
Responsible Business

(Choose all)

3H00FE28 Accountancy Information Based Business Description 5
3H00FE29 Basics of Payroll Administration and Legislation on Personnel 5
3H00FE30 Supply Chain Management 5
3H00FE31 Social, Ethical and Ecological Responsibility in Business 5
Go to Market

(Choose all)

3H00FE34 Customer Profiles and Marketing Strategies 5
3H00FE35 Digitization in Communications and Marketing 5
3H00FE36 Research Tools in Marketing 5
3H00FE37 Go to Market - Multichannel Launching of Products 5
3H00FE39 Customer Service Skills 5
Specialization Studies of Business

(Choose ects: 50)


(Choose all)

Managing SME Business

(Choose all)

3H00FE40 Strategic Economic Indicator Based Actions For Entrepreneurs 5
3H00FE41 Managing Sales and Customer Relations 5
3H00FE42 Human Reseources Management and Well-being at SME's 5
3H00FE43 Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I 5
3H00FE45 Presentations and Negotiations 5
Future Business Activities

(Choose all)

3H00FE46 Future Scenarios, Research and Trends 5
3H00FE47 Networking Skills in Business 5
3H00FE48 Chance Management 5
3H00FE49 Business Analysis and Readiness for Change II 5
3H00FE51 English for International Relations 5

(Choose all)

Advanced Financial Administration

(Choose all)

3H00FE52 Sound Accounting and Financial Statement Procedure 5
3H00FE53 Significance of Economic Indicators in Business Development 5
3H00FE54 Finance and Investments 5
3H00FE43 Business Analysis and Readiness for Chance I 5
3H00FE45 Presentations and Negotiations 5
Providing Competitive strength

(Choose all)

3H00FE46 Future Scenarios, Research and Trends 5
3H00FE55 Global Economy Challenges 5
3H00FE56 Corporate Taxation 5
3H00FE58 English for Financial Administration 5
3H00DP27 Company Valuation and Risk Management 5
Optional Business Studies

(Choose ects: 10)

Free-choice Studies

(Choose ects: 15)

3H00FH54 Pre-training Maths, Business 2
Practical Training

(Choose all)

3H00FE19 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 1/6 5
3H00FE24 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 2/6 5
3H00FE32 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 3/6 5
3H00FE38 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 4/6 5
3H00FE44 Business or Project Development or Practical Training 5/6 5
3H00FE50 Business Development or Practical Training 6/6 5
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

7F00FH00 Thesis Plan 5
7F00FH01 Implementing Thesis 5
7F00FH02 Reporting Thesis 5