Occupational Finnish for NursesLaajuus (4 op)
Tunnus: 7Q00FH33
4 op
The student
- is able to tell about everyday things like future plans, work life, travelling etc
- is able to use the past tense in simple situations and communicate with a Finn in typical occasions
- knows basic vocabulary and phrases used in nursing occupation
Conversational exercices, pronounciation exercices, structural exercises, listening comprehension, reading comprehension exercises, written exercises, basic vocabulary and phrases related to nursing.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
The student has completed all the assignments acceptably and attended contact lessons. Student recognizes general grammatical structures like object, typical rections and past tense but in use many structural mistakes appear. Student reflects learning process mostly by telling about exercises (s)he has completed. Recognises some words / phrases related to nursing occupation.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
A student has an active attitude towards studying Finnish language and culture showing that by completing the tasks according to the schedule and reflecting the learning process. Student is able to use typical grammatic structures like object, past tense and general rections in simple sentences. (S)he is able to use some vocabulary / phrases related to nursing occupation in simple situations.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
A student has a positive and active attitude towards studying Finnish language and culture. (S)he completes the tasks correctly and reflects the learning process on a regular basis. Student uses typical grammatic structures like object, past tense and general rections correctly in simple sentences. S(he) is able to use some vocabulary / phrases related to nursing occupation in simple situations understandably.