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Professional Ethics and CommunicationLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7Q00EZ85


5 op


The student
- knows the basic ethical values in social and health care
- knows the professional ethical guidelines and principles of the nursing profession
- is aware of his/her own values and is able to describe them in relation to the values and ethical principles in health care
- knows the principles of sustainable development globally
- knows the meaning of ethics when related to the media and other influences
-identifies his/her own strengths and developmental challenges in interaction
-is able to develop his/her interaction skills with people of all ages, and in different life situations and cultures
- is able to work in normal communication and interaction situations and in networks in his/her field
- is able to perform in challenging interaction situations.


- values, ethics, moral and self-determination
- respecting a human being and client-approach
- various concepts of human being
- human rights and equality
- ethical decision-making with different dimensions of action
- professional ethical guidelines
- identifying and evaluating one’s own interpersonal skills
- professional activities in the workplace, collegiality and well-being at work
- professional interaction with individuals and families
- acting professionally on social media
- multicultural nursing
- challenging interaction situations and different ways of interaction
- preclusive intervention

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student
- recognizes the ethical principles involved in the work of a nurse
- is able to define the concept of human being in nursing
- knows the values of nursing care and the ethical guidelines of a nurse
- is familiar with the ethical decision-making process in nursing and recognizes his/her professional responsibility as part of nursing care
- is able to list the basic elements of professional interaction and working life skills
- knows team-work skills
- behaves respectfully to others.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student
- is able to describe and justify ethical thinking in nursing
- understands the concept of human being in nursing care
- is able to justify the values, ethical principles and ethical guidelines of nursing, and acts in accordance with them
- understands the ethical decision-making process in nursing
- is able to justify solutions to problems in accordance with the ethical decision-making process, indicating professional responsibility in nursing
- knows what professional interaction is
- is able to work in different teams
- is trained in professional interaction skills and in various collaborative relationships
- is able to reflect on his/her own interaction skills and is able to utilise them in developing interpersonal skills
- assesses his/her participation and actions in a realistic way
- behaves respectfully to others.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
- is able to critically analyse the ethical thinking and the meaning of the concept of a human being in nursing
- is able to apply in different contexts the values and ethical principles of nursing, as well as the nurse's ethical guidelines
- understands the ethical decision-making process in nursing
- is able to critically analyse and justify situational solutions in accordance with the ethical decision-making process, showing professional responsibility in nursing
- is able to give constructive feedback and through it to develop the activities of the whole group
- is able to describe and justify the factors affecting different interaction situations
- is able to analyse professional interaction situations
- is able to reflect on his/her own interaction skills and is able to utilise them in developing interpersonal skills
- assesses his/her participation and actions in a realistic way
- behaves respectfully to others.