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Medical StudiesLaajuus (2 cr)

Code: 7K00FN90


2 op


- know the disorders of pregnancy and childbirth and their pathophysiology and treatment
- know the most common underlying diseases requiring monitoring during pregnancy and their treatment
- be able to apply theoretical knowledge to regular postpartum examination
- know the most common disorders and challenges of the health, growth and development of a child of a counselor from a medical point of view and the means of the counseling


- pregnancy and childbirth disorders
- underlying diseases considered during pregnancy and their effect on pregnancy monitoring
- post-pregnancy examination
- Child health, growth and development disorders

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

- knows the most significant disorders of pregnancy and childbirth and their treatment
- knows the most common underlying diseases that require monitoring during pregnancy and their treatment
- is able to apply theoretical knowledge related to post-examination in public health nursing
- knows the most common disorders and challenges of the health, growth and development of a child of a counselor from a medical point of view and the means of the counseling in supporting them

- identifies only some underlying disorders during pregnancy and childbirth as well as those requiring monitoring
- the theoretical knowledge related to the ex-post verification is limited
- identify only isolated disorders and the means of counseling for the most common disorders of the health, growth and development of the child in counseling