Global and Multicultural SocietyLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 7S00EL82
5 op
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Enrolment period
02.07.2024 - 30.09.2024
01.08.2024 - 31.12.2024
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Social Services
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Nasrin Jinia
- Noora Katajisto
- Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Person in charge
Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Objectives (course unit)
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
Content (course unit)
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
01.12.2023 - 14.03.2024
01.01.2024 - 31.07.2024
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Social Services and Health Care
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Nasrin Jinia
- Noora Katajisto
- Jaana Kokkinen
- Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Person in charge
Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Objectives (course unit)
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
Content (course unit)
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
07.06.2023 - 11.09.2023
01.08.2023 - 18.12.2023
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Social Services and Health Care
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Tuija Rasku
- Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Person in charge
Nasrin Jinia
Objectives (course unit)
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
Content (course unit)
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
13.03.2023 - 31.05.2023
01.06.2023 - 15.08.2023
5 op
Virtual portion
5 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 40
- Nasrin Jinia
Person in charge
Vesa Joutsen
Objectives (course unit)
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
Content (course unit)
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Location and time
Starting the course, goals and content, Culture, multiculturalism, Multicultural society, Integration, theories, Multicultural social work, Development of multicultural competence.
Cultural competencies and sensitive issues.
Assessment methods and criteria
No exam
The assessment is based on writing a learning diary and an essay
Rating scale 0-5
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Small group work
Discussion forums
Learning assignments
Writing an essay.
Learning materials
Pasi Saukkonen: Vimmainen maailma. Kirjoituksia muuttoliikkeestä, monikulttuurisuudesta ja nationalismista. Julkaisuja 35. Siirtolaisuusinstituutti, Turku. 2020, suomi, ISBN 9789527167922
Johanna Hiitola, Merja Anis, Kati Turtiainen (toim.) Maahanmuutto, palvelut ja hyvinvointi. Kohtaamisissa kehittyviä käytäntöjä. Vastapaino 2018.
Huttunen, Laura. Kotona, maanpaossa, matkalla. Kodin merkitykset maahanmuuttajien omaelämäkerroissa. Helsinki 2002.
Shahram Khosravi. ”Laiton” matkaaja. Paperittomuus ja rajojen valta. Helsinki 2013.
Mari Maasilta ja Kaarina Nikunen (toim.) Pakolaisuus, tunteet ja media. Vastapaino 2018.
Liisa Malkki. Kulttuuri, paikka ja muuttoliike. Vastapaino 2012.
Riku Neuvonen (toim.) Vihapuhe Suomessa. Edita. Porvoo 2015.
Tuomas Martikainen, Pasi Saukkonen ja Minna Säävälä ( toim.). Muuttajat. Kansainvälinen muuttoliike ja suomalainen yhteiskunta. 2013.
Tuomas Martikainen ja Marja Tiilikainen ( toim.) Maahanmuuttajanaiset. Kotoutuminen, perhe ja työ. 2007.
Seppo Paananen ( toim.) Maahanmuuttajien elämää Suomessa. Tilastokeskus 2005.
Anna Rastas. Rasismi lasten ja nuorten arjessa. Transnationaalit juuret ja monikulttuuristuva Suomi. 2007.
Marja Tiilikainen. Arjen islam. Somalinaisten elämää Suomessa. Tampere 2003.
Yusuf M. Mubarak, Eva Nilsson ja Niklas Saxen. Suomen somalit. 2015.
Pasi Saukkonen. Erilaisuuksien Suomi. Vähemmistö- ja kotoutumispolitiikan vaihtoehdot. 2013.
Pasi Saukkonen. Politiikka monikulttuurisessa yhteiskunnassa. 2007.
Lehtipuu, U. 2010. Kulttuuriälykäs bisnesviestijä Aasiassa ja Amerikassa. WSOY-pro.
Fred Dervin, Martina Paatela-Nieminen, Kaisa Kuoppala, Anna-Leena Riitaoja Multicultural Education in Finland: Renewed Intercultural Competencies to the Rescue? University of Helsinki, Finland
Elaine P. Congress, MSW, DSW, Manny J. González, DSW Multicultural Perspectives in Social Work Practice With Families.
Tahvonen, Leena. Monikulttuurinen työelämä : hyväksi ihmiselle, hyväksi bisnekselle . Helsinki: SanomaPro, 2014. Print.
Student workload
5 credits are 135 hours
Online teaching: 16 hours
Independent work 119 hours
Content scheduling
The theories and perspectives that connect the global and the local in society and the issues of equality that arise from them.
Different ways to promote equality by influencing structures and developing appreciative encounters in interaction.
Theoretical approaches to intercultural communication in multicultural work and work community.
Well-being and health in a multicultural society from the perspectives of research data, professional knowledge, and professional expert knowledge.
Assessment criteria - fail (0) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student does not know how to identify, and define the phenomena and basic concepts related to the global multicultural society.
Assessment criteria - satisfactory (1-2) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student can identify, and define the phenomena and basic concepts related to the global multicultural society.
Assessment criteria - good (3-4) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student structures the relationships between phenomena and concepts related to global and multiculturalism. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural field and causes of well-being and health in Finnish society.
Assessment criteria - excellent (5) (Not in use, Look at the Assessment criteria above)
The student understands wide-ranging entities and the relationships between them in a global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyzes the global multicultural society as a research object and connects research and phenomena related to multiculturalism.
Enrolment period
23.11.2022 - 28.02.2023
01.01.2023 - 28.05.2023
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Social Services
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Social Services
- Nasrin Jinia
- Eeva-Mari Miettinen
Person in charge
Nasrin Jinia
Objectives (course unit)
After the course the student can the main concepts and theories of global multiculturalism and understands the meaning of the global and the local in the society. The student can observe and promote equality and anti-racist action in the society and organize the different theories of equality and racism. The student can promote the honouring encountering in the interaction and develop one’s expertise in the multicultural work. The student can analyse different theories of wellbeing and health in the finnish multicultural society.
Content (course unit)
It will betaught different theories and point of views, with which global and local will connect in the society and about what kind of questions about equality will arise in this connection. It will be taught different ways to promote equality by influencing the structures and developing the honouring encounter in the interaction. It will be taught different kind of theoretical frameworks in the intercultural communication in the work and in the work-places. During the course it will be acquinted in the well being and health in the multicultural society from the point of views of scientific knowledge, professional knowledge and expertise-by-experience.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
the student can recognise, name and define the phenomenon and the basic concepts of the multicultural society.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
the student organises the connections of the global and multicultural concepts and phenomenons. The student applies, explains and compares the global and multicultural fields and background in the finnish society.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
the student understands large entities and the interactions in the global multicultural society. The student generalizes and analyses the global multicultural society as a research goal and combines the multicultural research and phenomenons to each other.
Assessment scale