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Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Nursing: Nurse, 2026, 26sh2a-c

Code: 24SH

Bachelor of Health Care

Degree title:
Bachelor of Health Care

210 ects

3.5 years (210 cr)

Start semester:
Autumn 2025



The value basis of nursing education is rooted in the respect for human dignity and individual integrity, confidentiality, responsibility, and high-level professional conduct. Learning nursing involves reflecting critically and ethically on previously acquired knowledge and actions as well as acquiring new insights and shaping personal attitudes.

A nurse supports individuals in promoting and maintaining health and well-being and provides comprehensive care for the sick. Nurses are nursing experts who implement and develop nursing both independently and in multidisciplinary collaboration.


TAMK's nursing education curriculum is based on nationally and European-defined unified nursing competency requirements. These competencies include professionalism and ethics, client-centeredness, communication and multidisciplinarity, health promotion, leadership and workforce skills, information technology and documentation, guidance and teaching skills, support for self-care, clinical nursing, evidence-based practice, research utilization, entrepreneurship and development, quality assurance, social and health care service systems, and patient and client safety.

Nursing competence is based on evidence-based nursing, nursing science, and other supporting disciplines such as medicine, social and behavioral sciences.

The nursing education curriculum also addresses future competence, which includes work-life-oriented generic skills, individualized care expertise, the utilization of digital solutions and well-being technology skills in both clinical nursing expertise and communication, genomic knowledge, and the principles of service professions. Students recognize and utilize principles of sustainable development in their profession. The curriculum considers the extensive field of nursing practice.

At TAMK, nursing education is specialized in demanding clinical nursing practice.

Only a graduate with a completed, licensed healthcare professional qualification can work as a nurse. The degree corresponds to the criteria set for bachelor's degree programs in the Finnish national qualifications framework and the European qualifications framework. The National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira) licenses graduates of nursing programs according to the Health Care Professionals Act (559/949). The national nursing (180 ECTS) competency requirements and their contents are also considered in nursing education.

Nursing education meets the requirements of European Union Directive (2013/55/EU) on the recognition of professional qualifications. The nursing degree is professionally oriented to a bachelor's level higher education degree.


A nursing student's competence is built through immersion, and studies are divided into three phases. Approximately 60 ECTS credits are completed per year. Nursing education is conducted in Finnish as full-time studies, with some studies implemented multidisciplinarily. Nursing education includes 15 ECTS credits of joint social and health care studies. Some studies can also be conducted in English and through various projects and initiatives.

After the initial phase, or after the first semester, a nursing student will have mastered the fundamentals of the nursing profession. The student understands and adheres to healthcare legislation and ethical guidelines for nursing practice. They can monitor basic bodily functions and identify patient care needs while safely using appropriate nursing interventions. The student can administer medication safely, manage medication calculations, and perform geriatric nursing care. The student acknowledges diversity in the study and work community. The student is aware of the basics of genomic information.

During the mid-phase, or semesters 2-5, the student develops clinical competence in various areas of nursing and can assess the nursing needs of patients/clients of different ages, plan, implement, and evaluate their care in collaboration with patients/clients and their families. The student can identify and anticipate individual and community health issues. The student utilizes knowledge from different disciplines as the basis of their actions. The student can guide and support patients/clients in self-care and utilize customer-centric digital social and health services. The student can work in multidisciplinary teams as a representative of nursing in the best interest of patients/clients. The student can critically assess their own work.

During semesters six and seven, in elective professional studies, the student's expertise strengthens and deepens. As a nurse, the student can make ethically sound, evidence-based decisions and act professionally. They can respond to the care needs of patients/clients and families of different ages in their chosen nursing specialty. The student can act as a primary nurse according to the principles of individualized nursing care throughout the care process. The student can responsibly develop nursing and their own practices. The student also deepens their expertise in their chosen nursing specialty through a thesis.

Nursing education includes 75 ECTS credits of supervised practical training in authentic client/patient contacts in various care environments. Practical training periods in nursing education should be diverse and cover different areas of nursing care.

Nursing education includes studies in English and Swedish, as well as five ECTS credits of elective studies. Students have the opportunity for cross-study with TUNI in elective studies.


The pedagogical basis of nursing education is based on TAMK's pedagogical principles, which include learning-orientedness, community involvement and participation, sustainable future and expertise in developing working life, as well as digitalization and internationalization.

Nursing education is strongly based on learning-orientedness, combining versatile teaching and flexible development opportunities. Throughout nursing education, work-life-oriented learning environments are widely utilized based on competencies. Students have the opportunity to study through various methods, supporting their participation and agency in the learning process. Nursing education allows students to incorporate previously acquired or ongoing skills into their nursing studies.

Nursing education is conducted through diverse teaching methods in various learning environments. Pedagogical methods include, among others, classroom teaching, small group teaching, blended learning, hybrid teaching, scheduled or unscheduled online teaching, independent study, simulations, skills workshops, and supervised practical training. Teaching is also conducted in multidisciplinary teams.

The pedagogy of the nursing education heavily emphasizes collaborative learning, focusing on community and inclusivity. The core is supporting the communal and cognitive work of student groups. Teaching concentrates on collectively considered, ethically sustainable solutions. Activities and learning environments support diversity and accessibility equally.

The student has the opportunity to deepen their skills by participating in English-language teaching as part of their degree, either domestically or in international exchange, as well as in other internationally conducted studies. Additionally, the student can undertake supervised internships during international exchanges.

As part of future-oriented higher education, sustainable development means learning that changes the fundamentals of existence, our understanding and perceptions of the interdependence between humans and nature, humanity, factors of well-being, as well as the role of the economy in the global society and community.

In nursing education, there is active collaboration with the professional world. Dialogue with the professional world enables education to respond to the changing and evolving skill needs of the professional world multidisciplinarily. Nursing students play a crucial role in the development of the professional world during their studies. Students can reflect on their learning, evolve as nurses, and develop nursing comprehensively during their studies.


Before progressing to the third semester, the student must complete 30 credits from the first and second semesters, including a passed course in medication administration and medication calculations.

Before the second Superviced Clinical Training, students must participate in the Infection Prevention, Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations, Elderly Care and Basic Nursing Skills courses. Before the fourth Superviced Clinical Training, students must pass the Infection Prevention, Medication Administration and Medication Calculations, and Basics of Nursing courses. Additionally, before the Superviced Clinical Training 4-9, students must participate in the course related to the nursing area implemented in the supervised internship (e.g., before surgical internship, students must participate in the course on nursing care for surgical patients).

When selecting Superviced Clinical Training positions 2-9, consideration is given to the diverse placement of internships in various areas of nursing. Internships are conducted with patients of different ages in primary health care, specialized medical care, inpatient wards, and outpatient health care, in public and private health care and in the third sector, focusing on the development of expertise in somatic, mental health, and substance abuse nursing.

Before starting the thesis, students must participate in the information literacy course and complete Superviced Clinical Training 1-4.

When alternative professional studies begin, students must have completed 135 credits of studies. These must include the studies of the chosen area for alternative professional studies, anatomy and physiology studies, and at least six Superviced Clinical Training.

For children and adolescents as well as for perioperative alternative professional studies, a maximum of 70 students can be selected each year. Student selection is carried out according to the Degree Regulations Section 9. Selection is based on the average of non-elective studies. Selection is made according to a separate schedule in the spring and autumn when students apply for alternative professional studies, at which point the study performance of applicants is evaluated.


The competence of nursing students meets national and international requirements. The student is able to operate according to the principles of individual responsibility in nursing care throughout the patient's and their family's care process. The student can utilize a variety of guidance methods in nursing practice. The student possesses broad and evidence-based knowledge of human beings, health, environment, and nursing.

The student has a strong professional identity as a nurse, ethical competence, and the ability to develop and evaluate their own actions through self-reflection.

Curriculum development and working life cooperation

The curriculum of TAMK's nursing education is based on evidence-based knowledge, national, and international recommendations. Members of TAMK's nursing education work-life cooperation forum, work-life collaboration partners, TAMK's nursing students, and the student organization Pirate have contributed to the curriculum by providing feedback on its content and structure. This information has been utilized in the curriculum development process.

Further information

The curriculum has been approved by the University Council on 29.4.2024.

The curriculum takes into account the Finnish health policy programs and future challenges as well as TAMK's strategy. Additionally, the curriculum considers the implementation of the Health Care Professionals Act (559/1994) and Regulation (564/1994), the national definition of nursing professional competence, the competency classifications of universities of applied sciences' rectors' council, Tampere University Community's common competencies, and the national framework for qualifications (NQF). The development of the curriculum also takes into account various reports on the development of the social and health care sector, including reports from the Ministry of Education and Culture's Skills for Social and Health Care project. The education meets the requirements of the European Union Directive (2013/55/EU) on the recognition of professional qualifications.

Show study timings by academic year, semester or period

Code Name Credits (cr) 2025-2026 2026-2027 2027-2028 2028-2029 Autumn 2025 Spring 2026 Autumn 2026 Spring 2027 Autumn 2027 Spring 2028 Autumn 2028 1. / 2025 2. / 2025 3. / 2026 4. / 2026 1. / 2026 2. / 2026 3. / 2027 4. / 2027 1. / 2027 2. / 2027 3. / 2028 4. / 2028 1. / 2028 2. / 2028
Common Professional Studies in Social and Health Care

(Choose all )

7K00GH56 Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7K00GH57 Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7K00GH58 Multiprofessional Management and Development 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Basics of Nursing Profession

(Choose all )

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7K00GH60 Genomic Information in Nursing 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7K00GH61 Basics of Nursing 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7K00GH62 Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH63 Basics of Infection Prevention 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH64 Anatomy and Physiology 1 2 2 2 1 1
Holistic Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GH65 Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH66 Nursing Documentation 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH67 Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH68 Pharmacology 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH69 Natural Science and Medicine 1 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7K00GH70 Anatomy and Physiology 2 2 2 2 1 1
Operative Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GH71 Surgical Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH72 Perioperative Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH73 Natural Science and Medicine 2 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7K00GH74 Anatomy and Physiology 3 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH75 Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH76 Information Literacy 2 2 2 1 1
Family Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GH77 Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
7K00GH78 Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH79 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7K00GH80 Elderly Care 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GH81 Development of Nursing Competence 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
Nursing in Changing Environments

(Choose all )

7K00GH82 Communicable Diseases and Vaccination 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7K00GH83 Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7K00GH84 Development of Nursing Expertise 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH85 Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral 2 2 2 1 1
7K00GH86 Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written 1 1 1 0.5 0.5
7K00GH87 Professional English for Nursing and Health Care 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
Optional Professional Studies

(Choose one )

Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS49 Anesthesia Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GS50 Operating Theater Nursing 4 4 4 2 2
Nursing for Children and Young People

(Choose all )

7K00GS51 Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GS52 Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families 4 4 4 2 2
Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS56 Demanding Clinical Nursing Work 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GS57 Acute Nursing Care 4 4 4 2 2
Nursing in Changing Healthcare Environments

(Choose all )

7K00GS58 Digitalizable Healthcare 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GS59 Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care 4 4 4 2 2
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS60 Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 4 4 4 2 2
7K00GS61 Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services 4 4 4 2 2
Supervised Clinical Training

(Choose all )

7K00GH91 Supervised Clinical Training 1 3 3 3 1.5 1.5
7K00GH92 Supervised Clinical Training 2 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH93 Supervised Clinical Training 3 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH94 Supervised Clinical Training 4 7 7 7 3.5 3.5
7K00GH95 Supervised Clinical Training 5 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH96 Supervised Clinical Training 6 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH97 Supervised Clinical Training 7 6 6 6 3 3
7K00GH98 Supervised Clinical Training 8 9 9 9 4.5 4.5
7K00GH99 Supervised Clinical Training 9 6 6 6 3 3
Supervised Clinical Training, Optional Professional Studies

(Choose one )

Superviced Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS62 Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing 10 10 10 5 5
7K00GS63 Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing 10 10 10 5 5
Superviced Clinical Training, Nursing for Children and Young People

(Choose all )

7K00GS64 Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing 10 10 10 5 5
7K00GS65 Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families 10 10 10 5 5
Superviced Clinical Training, Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS66 Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing 10 10 10 5 5
7K00GS67 Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care 10 10 10 5 5
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing in Changing Healthcare Environments

(Choose all )

7K00GS68 Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1 10 10 10 5 5
7K00GS69 Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2 10 10 10 5 5
Superviced Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose all )

7K00GS70 Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 10 10 10 5 5
7K00GS71 Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services 10 10 10 5 5
Free Choice Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

7K00GH88 Free Choice Studies 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all )

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5 5 5 2.5 2.5
Total 210 62 62 120 78 31 31 31 31 31 89 78 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 15.5 44.5 44.5 39 39

Due to the timing of optional and elective courses, credit accumulation per semester / academic year may vary.

Degree Certificate - Bachelors's degree (EQF6)

Structuring for Degree Certificate for Bachelor's Degree, according to AMK legislation. (Basic model).

Practical Training
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Bachelor's Thesis
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis
Basic and Professional Studies
Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Anatomy and Physiology 1
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Anatomy and Physiology 3
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Information Literacy
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written
Professional English for Nursing and Health Care
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Free-Choice Studies
Free Choice Studies

Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council

No attached course units

No attached course units

No attached course units

No attached course units

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Anatomy and Physiology 1
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Anatomy and Physiology 3
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Information Literacy
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written
Professional English for Nursing and Health Care
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Free Choice Studies
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis

Competence for general nurse

Professialisim and ethics

- Functions in accordance with the values, ethical guidelines and principles of nursing care, and evaluates their implementation in daily nursing care
- Complies with current legislation and information guidance in their work.
- Has adopted the professional identity of a nurse and committed to the principles of a service profession.
- Demonstrates ability to function in the role of an expert in nursing care and to accept responsibility for their actions
- Demonstrates ability to assess and develop their own skills.
- Demonstrates ability to intervene in unprofessional conduct.
- Recognizes their limits in coping, seeks support and uses different forms of support available.
- Demonstrates knowledge of career opportunities for nurses.
- Complies with occupational safety regulations.

No attached course units

Client centred care

- Respects clients/patients and encounters them as experts of and actors in their own lives.
- Demonstrates ability to encounter vulnerable patient groups in nursing care.
- Demonstrates ability to encounter client/patients from different cultures individually.

No attached course units

Work community skills Information technology and documentation

- Complies with the requirements and regulations governing data protection and information security in health care and social welfare services relating to the creation, use, storage and disposal of data.
- Demonstrates knowledge of appropriate recording of the client’s /patient’s nursing care process, and is capable of evaluating whether data recorded in the patient data repository is up to date, correct and of good quality.
- Documents the nursing care of client/patient according to the nursing care process; assesses the client’s/patient’s need for interventions (care) in accordance with the Finnish Care Classification (FinCC), plans and implements interventions using the Finnish Classification of Nursing Interventions (FiCNI), evaluates nursing outcomes using the Finnish Classification of Nursing Outcomes (FiCNO), as well as produces a summary of the nursing care.
- Demonstrates knowledge of information technology, electronic databases and reporting tools used in health care services.
- Complies with netiquette, regulations and practices regarding emails, and assumes the role of a health care professional in social media

No attached course units

Leadership and professional co-operation skills of the employee

- Demonstrates ability to priorize the task flexibly
- Motivates members of their working community and is able to give and receive feedback
- Demonstrates ability to work according to the principles of cost efficiency, Sustainable development taking into account the environment.
- Demonstrates ability to guide fellow students and co -workers.
- Demonstrates ability to develop and adapt their ways of working to changes in the health care and social welfare services.

No attached course units

Clinical nursing

- Responds to the needs of the client/patient by planning, implementing and assessing appropriate individual nursing care in cooperation with the client/patient, their family members, and other professionals in health care and social welfare services.
- Demonstrates ability to use diverse nursing care methods in psychosocial support of the client /patient.
- Masters the knowledge and skills needed for key nursing interventions as a part of holistic care of the client /patient.
- Masters the knowledge and skills of key nursing diagnostics as a part of holistic care of the client/patient.
- Masters the principles of infection prevention and puts their knowledge into practice in the implementation of infection prevention.
- Applies knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology, applied pharmacology and medication to the planning, implementation and assessment of medication for treatment of different diseases.
- Applies knowledge of anatomy and physiology, pathophysiology and applied pharmacology to the planning, implementation and assessment of safe medication of different client/patient groups.
- Demonstrates knowledge of legislation governing medication and information guidance.
- Demonstrates knowledge of structure, functions and regulations of the human organ systems and factors affecting them.
- Understands disease mechanisms and their effects on the human organ systems.
- Applies nutrition and care recommendations for different age and target groups for prevention and treatment of national diseases.
- Demonstrates the ability to integrate nutritional care and guidance in holistic nursing care in collaboration with a network of multidisciplinary professionals.
- Evaluates nutrition of customer client/patient and identifies a client/patient at a risk of malnutrition.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the principles of wound treatment and is able to apply their knowledge in treatment of chronic wounds.
- Identifies, assesses and manages the client’s /patient’s pain.
- Applies knowledge about the most frequent internal diseases) to the practical nursing care.
- Masters key nursing interventions and nursing methods used in the nursing care of internal medicine patients.
- Applies their knowledge of major cancers to the nursing care.
- Demonstrates ability to manage key interventions in the nursing care of a patient with cancer.
- Applies their knowledge of key conditions requiring surgical intervention in different phases of perioperative nursing care of a patient.
- Competent in key nursing interventions used in the nursing care of a perioperative patient.
- Applies their knowledge of major diseases of children/adolescents in nursing care.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the principles of family work and is able to put them into practice
- Demonstrates ability to promote the sexual health of client and patient.
- Understands the normal process and monitoring of pregnancy, delivery and puerperium.
- Demonstrates ability to apply their knowledge of key mental health disorders and psychiatric conditions in nursing care.
- Demonstrates knowledge of key interventions used in the nursing care of patients with mental health disorders and psychiatric conditions.
- Demonstrates knowledge of key methods of early intervention in nursing care of substance abusers
- Demonstrates ability to support a person in acute crises.
- Applies their knowledge of changes related to ageing to nursing care.
- Demonstrates knowledge of interventions and methods of assessment and maintenance of health, functional capacity and resources of the aged.
- Applies in practice their knowledge of memory disorders, nursing care of and services for patients with memory disorders
- Applies in practice their knowledge of major developmental disabilities and becoming disabled in their nursing care of persons who have developmental disabilities or who have become disabled.
- Identifies the need of a patient for palliative or end of life care.
- Draws up a nursing care plan for the last phase of a patient’s life in collaboration with the patient, his or her family members, physician in charge and other members of the multidisciplinary team.
- Implements symptomatic and humane palliative care and end of life care.
- Encounters and implements nursing care of a dying patient and supports the family members.
- Uses various methods to support the psychosocial and conviction needs of patients and their nearest ones
- Assesses the need for emergency care of a critically ill patient
- Demonstrates ability of systematic assessment of the need for emergency care, and takes immediate action in situations requiring emergency care.
- Demonstrates ability to initiate immediate rescue services and to implement interventions in situations of crises and disaster.

No attached course units

Communication and multi professionalism

- Demonstrates knowledge of professional communication.
- Demonstrates knowledge of professional interaction in nursing care with client/patients of different ages and backgrounds and their family members and loved ones
- Demonstrates knowledge of independent communication and interaction in his or her native language, the second official language of Finland, and at least one foreign language.
- Understands his or her own responsibilities and those of other professionals in health care and social welfare services, as well as the significance of controlled and flexible division of duties in the client’s /patient’s holistic care.
- Demonstrates good work community skills when working in multidisciplinary teams, environments and networks.

No attached course units

Quality management

- Evaluates the quality of nursing care in order to develop the client’s /patient’s care, and their own practices.
- Participates in quality management as a member of the work community.
- Understands the impact of their own activities on the quality of the organization
- Understands the use of patient safety reports as a part of quality control of the organization.

No attached course units

Evidence based practice, utilization of research knowledge and decision making

- Understands that work of a nurse is evidence based and commits to it.
- Demonstrates ability to plan, implement and evaluate evidence based nursing safely.
- Participates in developing evidence based practices in their own work
- Demonstrates ability to search information in major databases of health sciences and to read scientific publications critically.
- Demonstrates ability to make evidence based clinical decisions.
- Demonstrates ability to exploit scientific data in clinical decision making

No attached course units

Guidance and education competence and supporting self care

- Assesses the needs, resources and responsibility of the client/patient in planning guidance and self care.
- Plans, implements and assesses individual and group guidance in cooperation with the patient/client, and other professionals.
- Uses client/patient centred education and guidance methods.
- Demonstrates ability to evaluate guidance outcomes together with the client /patient, their nearest ones and health care professionals.
- Uses pedagogy and ethics in plans, implementation and evaluation of guidance supporting the client’s /patient’s self care.
- Encourages the client /patient and their nearest ones commit to the care.
- Demonstrates knowledge of the clinical pathway of the client/patient and masters the basics of service guidance.

No attached course units

Patient and client safety

- Demonstrates knowledge of key factors regarding patient and client.
- Promotes patient safety and prevents patient safety incidents in every phase of the nursing process of the patient.
- Communicates clearly to ensure patient safety.
- Takes immediate situation specific action in a hazardous situation.
- Recognizes potential patient safety incidents and reports them.
- Understands how a report on patient safety incident is handled.

No attached course units

Service system of health care and social welfare services

- Understands how health care and social welfare services are produced and organized, and how they are controlled and monitored in Finland
- Understands the roles of different action and service units as part of the care and service chain.
- Understands their personal role in promoting the organization’s reputation, brand and image, as well as in creating a positive service experience for the client.
- Demonstrates competence in using digital services as a part of holistic care of the client/patient.
- Demonstrates ability to function in changing environments and to provide service guidance.

No attached course units

Health promotion

- Demonstrates ability to apply current research data and other information from the field of health promotion to their work with client/patients
- Identifies risk factors of clients/patients and provides early support to those in need.
- Plans and implements interventions promoting health and functional capacity of individuals and groups of clients/patients in multidisciplinary collaboration.
- Recognizes existing and new threats to health and knows how to integrate them in the promotion of health of clients/patients.

No attached course units

Entrepreneurship and development

- Understands the idea of intrapreneurship and commits to it in his or her work.
- Has the basic qualities required for an independent entrepreneur in the sector.
- Masters the principles of cost consciousness in nursing and works cost efficiently.
- Reflecting with his or her work community, he or she is able to identify practices to be developed and things that need to be changed in their own work.
- Demonstrates ability to participate in development, innovation and research processes as a team member.

No attached course units

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Anatomy and Physiology 1
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Anatomy and Physiology 3
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Information Literacy
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written
Professional English for Nursing and Health Care
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Free Choice Studies
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis

Sustainability and Responsibility

Sustainable Future is one of the pedagogical principles of TAMK. Ecological, social, cultural, and economic sustainability are important building blocks of a sustainable future. All these perspectives can be observed on individual, sectoral, societal, or global scales.

Ecological sustainability

Ecological sustainability can relate to biodiversity, ecosystem functions, sustainable and just use of resources (e.g. circular economy), and ways of mitigating human activities regarding nature’s carrying capacity (e.g. climate change).

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Anatomy and Physiology 1
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Anatomy and Physiology 2
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Anatomy and Physiology 3
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Cultural sustainability

Cultural sustainability relates to knowledge of culture, pluralism, tolerance, valuing cultural diversity, and contributing to intercultural communication.

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Basics of Nursing
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Social sustainability

Social sustainability relates to equal distribution of well-being, realization of fundamental rights, engagement in societal action and decision making, as well as to coping with individual challenges, taking responsibility, and pursuing sustainable lifestyle.

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis
Economic sustainability

Economic sustainability can manifest in combining environmental and economic perspectives in decision making, discussing responsible consumption and business, or addressing different forms of debts (economic, resource-related, social).

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 1
Supervised Clinical Training 2
Supervised Clinical Training 3
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Future orientation

Future orientation can appear as dealing with megatrends or powers of transformation, or as discussing and creating scenarios, or as future oriented career counselling or coaching.

Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals
Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services
Multiprofessional Management and Development
Study Guidance
Genomic Information in Nursing
Basics of Nursing
Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations
Basics of Infection Prevention
Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests
Nursing Documentation
Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care
Natural Science and Medicine 1
Surgical Nursing
Perioperative Nursing
Natural Science and Medicine 2
Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence
Information Literacy
Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities
Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing
Elderly Care
Development of Nursing Competence
Communicable Diseases and Vaccination
Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center
Development of Nursing Expertise
Anesthesia Nursing
Operating Theater Nursing
Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses
Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families
Demanding Clinical Nursing Work
Acute Nursing Care
Digitalizable Healthcare
Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care
Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services
Supervised Clinical Training 4
Supervised Clinical Training 5
Supervised Clinical Training 6
Supervised Clinical Training 7
Supervised Clinical Training 8
Supervised Clinical Training 9
Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families
Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing
Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1
Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2
Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services
Thesis Plan
Implementing Thesis
Reporting Thesis
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral
Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written
Professional English for Nursing and Health Care
Free Choice Studies

Code Name Credits (cr)
Common Professional Studies in Social and Health Care

(Choose all)

7K00GH56 Me and Us on the Journey to Becoming a Social and Health Care Professionals 5
7K00GH57 Customer-Oriented Development of Social and Health Services 5
7K00GH58 Multiprofessional Management and Development 5
Basics of Nursing Profession

(Choose all)

NN00GU79 Study Guidance 1
7K00GH60 Genomic Information in Nursing 1
7K00GH61 Basics of Nursing 9
7K00GH62 Pharmacotherapy and Medical Calculations 4
7K00GH63 Basics of Infection Prevention 2
7K00GH64 Anatomy and Physiology 1 2
Holistic Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GH65 Intravenous Fluid Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Tests 4
7K00GH66 Nursing Documentation 2
7K00GH67 Nursing Care for Patients with Internal Diseases and Palliative Care 6
7K00GH68 Pharmacology 2
7K00GH69 Natural Science and Medicine 1 3
7K00GH70 Anatomy and Physiology 2 2
Operative Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GH71 Surgical Nursing 4
7K00GH72 Perioperative Nursing 4
7K00GH73 Natural Science and Medicine 2 3
7K00GH74 Anatomy and Physiology 3 2
7K00GH75 Holistic Health Promotion and Guidance Competence 4
7K00GH76 Information Literacy 2
Family Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GH77 Nursing Care for Children, Adolescents, and People with Disabilities 5
7K00GH78 Reproductive Health and Gynecological Nursing 4
7K00GH79 Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing 7
7K00GH80 Elderly Care 4
7K00GH81 Development of Nursing Competence 1
Nursing in Changing Environments

(Choose all)

7K00GH82 Communicable Diseases and Vaccination 3
7K00GH83 Nursing at a Health and Social Services Center 3
7K00GH84 Development of Nursing Expertise 2
7K00GH85 Professional Swedish for Health Care, Oral 2
7K00GH86 Professional Swedish for Health Care, Written 1
7K00GH87 Professional English for Nursing and Health Care 3
Optional Professional Studies

(Choose one)

Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS49 Anesthesia Nursing 4
7K00GS50 Operating Theater Nursing 4
Nursing for Children and Young People

(Choose all)

7K00GS51 Nursing Care of a Child and Family with Long-term and Neurological Illnesses 4
7K00GS52 Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-requiring Children and Their Families 4
Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS56 Demanding Clinical Nursing Work 4
7K00GS57 Acute Nursing Care 4
Nursing in Changing Healthcare Environments

(Choose all)

7K00GS58 Digitalizable Healthcare 4
7K00GS59 Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care 4
Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS60 Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 4
7K00GS61 Competence in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing in Specialised Services 4
Supervised Clinical Training

(Choose all)

7K00GH91 Supervised Clinical Training 1 3
7K00GH92 Supervised Clinical Training 2 6
7K00GH93 Supervised Clinical Training 3 6
7K00GH94 Supervised Clinical Training 4 7
7K00GH95 Supervised Clinical Training 5 6
7K00GH96 Supervised Clinical Training 6 6
7K00GH97 Supervised Clinical Training 7 6
7K00GH98 Supervised Clinical Training 8 9
7K00GH99 Supervised Clinical Training 9 6
Supervised Clinical Training, Optional Professional Studies

(Choose one)

Superviced Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS62 Supervised Clinical Training, Anesthesia Nursing 10
7K00GS63 Supervised Clinical Training, Perioperative Nursing 10
Superviced Clinical Training, Nursing for Children and Young People

(Choose all)

7K00GS64 Supervised Clinical Training, Long-Term and Neurologically Ill Child and Family Nursing 10
7K00GS65 Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing Care of Acutely Ill and Intensive Care-Requiring Children and Their Families 10
Superviced Clinical Training, Medical-Surgical Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS66 Supervised Clinical Training, Advanced Clinical Nursing 10
7K00GS67 Supervised Clinical Training, Acute Nursing Care 10
Supervised Clinical Training, Nursing in Changing Healthcare Environments

(Choose all)

7K00GS68 Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 1 10
7K00GS69 Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2 10
Superviced Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing

(Choose all)

7K00GS70 Supervised Clinical Training, Working as a Nurse in Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 10
7K00GS71 Supervised Clinical Training, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Nursing Competence in Specialised Services 10
Free Choice Studies

(Choose ects: 5)

7K00GH88 Free Choice Studies 5
Bachelor's Thesis

(Choose all)

NN00HA83 Thesis Plan 5
NN00HA84 Implementing Thesis 5
NN00HA85 Reporting Thesis 5