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Supervised Clinical Training, Digitizing Healthcare 2Laajuus (10 cr)

Code: 7K00GS69


10 op


The student deepens their nursing expertise by utilizing digital and technological services in the assessment, treatment, and guidance of healthcare needs.

After completing the course, the student
• Identify the healthcare needs of suddenly or chronically ill patients using various symptom indicators and data collection methods, leveraging technology.
• Apply their knowledge in nursing care for elderly or patients with cognitive impairments.
• Plan and implement care collaboratively with the patient and their relatives in a patient-centered and interdisciplinary manner.
• Utilize interdisciplinary knowledge in professional decision-making, basing their actions on researched information.
• Recognize the needs for health promotion and their effects on well-being and health at the individual, family, and community levels, and be able to assist the patient through nursing interventions.
• Guide individuals and their relatives individually in health-promoting measures, taking into account both sudden and long-term needs.
• Execute and evaluate medication therapy as part of nursing care and guide the patient and their relatives in medication management.
• Document aspects of the patient's care process using digital services and information management.
• Recognize and utilize digital and technological services in assessing, treating, and guiding the patient's healthcare needs.
• Utilize previously generated information about the patient and guide them in using digital services.


Superviced clinical training.


At the beginning of the Optional Professional Studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include theoretical studies of the area which the student has chosen for the Optional Professional Studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology and minimum six supervised clinical training courses.
Participation in the course Digitalizable Healthcare and/or Home-Based Technologizing Nursing Care.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail


The student
• Acts at an ethically high standard reflecting his/her own actions and decision-making.
• Has the basic knowledge of the most common illnesses that are cared for in basic health care services, and their care and pharmacotherapy.
• Is familiar with the care and service chains of the patients and clients he/she cares for during the clinical practical training and is able to utilize them in managing and coordinating care.
• I able to meet, guide and teach an individual and his/her family in a client-oriented way and with versatile methods.
• Is able to utilize diversely the increasing information available to a citizen about his/her own well-being or health and is able to evaluate its utilization in care and guidance.
• Is able to document the client’s care visit, period and summary in a client-oriented way, utilizing national structured documentation and continuity of care.
• Is able to utilize technologies in patient care and guide clients in their use.
• Is able to coordinate nursing care and act independently and responsibly in collaboration with different professional groups.
• Is able to assess the need of urgency of care in a suddenly changed patient situation, as well as to carry out and coordinate the care.
• Is able to support and care for patients of different ages at the phase of falling ill and as the illness progresses.
• Pays attention in his/her activities to cost-effectiveness and sustainable development.
• Is able to open a debate on evidence-based practices for developing nursing care.
• Is able to take responsibility for the process of his/her own professional growth.
• Is able to receive patient feedback, understand its meaning in practice and convey it to the work team.


The student
• Is not able to ethically evaluate his/her actions or their consequences.
• Demonstrates shortcomings in his/her knowledge of the most common illnesses of basic health services, their care or related pharmacotherapy.
• Avoids taking responsibility in situations related to patient care or guidance.
• Repeatedly makes mistakes in patient care or in pharmacotherapy.
• Does not recognize the patient care visit or care period as part of a broader service process.
• Does not know how to use the patient's previously accumulated knowledge.
• Does not know how to ensure the continuity of patient care through documentation.
• Is not able to work as a member of a working group.
• Does not show interest in developing his/her professional competence.
• Is not able to receive feedback professionally on his/her work.