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Demanding Clinical Nursing WorkLaajuus (4 cr)

Code: 7K00GS56


4 op


The course provides the skills for the core competence of advanced clinical nursing.

After completing the course, the student
• Knows the essential content of condition nursing assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of a advanced medical-surgical patient.
• Utilizes evidence-based information at different stages of the treatment path.
• Works safely and in accordance with the ethical principles of nursing.
• Can support the patient and his family.


• Nursing assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation in advanced level of nursing care.
• Utilization of evidence-based information at different stages of the treatment path.
• Safe operation and nursing in accordance with ethical principles.
• Supporting the patient and his family.


At the beginning of the Optional Professional Studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include theoretical studies of the area which the student has chosen for the Optional Professional Studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology and minimum six supervised clinical training courses.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student
• Knows the basics of assessing advanced medical-surgical patient.
• Knows the essential content of planning, implementation and evaluation of nursing work.
• Can use evidence-based information at different stages of the care path.
• Recognizes the ethical principles of nursing.
• Understand how to support the patient and his family.
• Knows basic information about the patient's safe drug and fluid therapy and is able to perform medical calculations correctly.
• Recognizes own interaction skills in advanced clinical nursing and knows how to function as a member of a multiprofessional team.
• Recognize the principles of sustainable development in one's actions.
• Recognizes the principles of patient safety.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student
• Knows the essential content of the planning, implementation and evaluation of the nursing of a advanced medical-surgical patient.
• Can apply evidence-based information at different stages of the care path.
• Can act in accordance with the ethical principles of nursing.
• Can support the patient and his family.
• Knows basic information and manages the patient's safe drug and fluid therapy and is able to perform medical calculations correctly.
• Can use own interaction skills in advanced clinical nursing and can work actively as a member of a multiprofessional team.
• Can act in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
• Master the principles of patient safety.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student
• Master the essential content of the planning, implementation and evaluation of the nursing work of an advanced medical-surgical patient.
• Can apply and analyze evidence-based information at different stages of the treatment path.
• Can act and analyze his own activities in accordance with the ethical principles of nursing.
• Can support the patient and his family individually.
• Knows how to carry out the patient's safe drug and fluid therapy in a versatile manner and is able to perform medical calculations correctly.
• Can develop own interaction skills in advanced clinical nursing and work actively as a member of a multiprofessional team.
• Can act and analyze their activities in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
• Manages and analyzes patient safety principles.