Anesthesia NursingLaajuus (4 cr)
Code: 7K00GS49
4 op
The objective of the study is to deepen basic knowledge in perioperative anesthesia nursing.
After completing the course, the student
• Understand the theoretical foundations of anesthesia nursing and anesthesiology.
• Act responsibly as a nursing expert in the care of anesthesia patients.
• Apply the principles of aseptic technique in the care of anesthesia patients.
• Master medication and i.v. fluid management related to anesthesia nursing, including medication calculations.
• Identify main anesthesia emergencies and act accordingly in the role of an anesthesia nurse.
• Collaborate collegially in a team and evolve as a representative of their profession.
• Patient safety and asepsis in anesthesia nursing.
• Monitoring and care of patients of different ages in the immediate pre-, intra-, and postoperative phases across various specialties.
At the beginning of the Optional Professional Studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include theoretical studies of the area which the student has chosen for the Optional Professional studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology and minimum six supervised clinical training courses.
In each of the Optional Professional Studies for Nursing for Children and Young People as well as Perioperative Nursing, a maximum of 70 students can be selected annually. The student selection is carried out according to 9§ of the Degree Regulations. Selection is based on the average grades of courses other than elective studies. The selection process takes place according to a separate schedule in spring and autumn when students apply for Optional Professional Studies, at which point the academic achievements of applicants are reviewed.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student
• Has a basic understanding of the fundamentals of anesthesia nursing for patients.
• Recognizes the importance of evidence-based information in anesthesia nursing.
• Identifies the responsibilities of an anesthesia nurse.
• Demonstrates a basic understanding of medication and i.v. fluid management for anesthesia patients and can perform medication calculations.
• Possesses a basic level of aseptic skills related to anesthesia patient care.
• Recognizes potential emergency situations related to anesthesia patient care and understands the role of an anesthesia nurse in these situations.
• Can give and receive feedback.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student
• Masters the theoretical foundations of anesthesia care of the patient.
• Understands the significance of anesthesiology and evidence-based information in anesthesia nursing.
• Fully comprehends the responsibilities of an anesthesia nurse.
• Demonstrates proficiency in medication and i.v. fluid management for anesthesia patients, including medication calculations.
• Possesses strong aseptic skills related to anesthesia patient care.
• Understands potential emergency situations related to anesthesia patient care and can outline the role of an anesthesia nurse in these situations.
• Provides constructive feedback effectively.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student
• Masters the theoretical foundations of anesthesia care of the patient.
• Can analyze and apply evidence-based information in anesthesia nursing.
• Fully comprehends the responsibilities of an anesthesia nurse in patient care.
• Expertly applies medication and fluid management for anesthesia patients, with exceptional skills in medication calculations.
• Demonstrates outstanding aseptic skills related to anesthesia patient care.
• Can expertly handle potential emergency situations related to anesthesia care of the patient and applies the role of an anesthesia nurse effectively in these situations.
• Systematically uses feedback as a tool for their professional growth.