Orientation to Clinical Training: Nursing in Modernising Primary Health CareLaajuus (2 cr)
Code: 7K00EY19
2 op
The student
- demonstrates mastery of key methods of assessment, planning and nursing care of a patient who is suddenly ill or has a long-term illness, at reception, on a hospital ward and at home
- is able to act safely and ethically in different phases of the care process using digital information in a versatile and creative way
- knows how to act as a nursing expert in holistic patient care in different nursing environments, utilising technologies and digital services
- knows how to self-evaluate and reflect on his/her own activities and in relation to others
Planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a patient with a sudden or long-term illness at reception, on a hospital ward and at home using digital data
At the beginning of the elective vocational studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include the theoretical studies and orientation to practical training of the area which the student has chosen for the elective studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology. The required areas are medical and surgical nursing, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing and nursing in outpatient clinic.
Completion of the course Nursing in Modernising Primary Health Care
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student
- is able plan, implement and assess nursing care safely
- is working professionally and ethically
the student puts patient safety at risk
Enrolment period
01.05.2023 - 13.08.2023
14.08.2023 - 26.11.2023
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Nursing and Health Care, Nursing
- Katri Maijanen
- Miia Koskela
- Ilona Jylhäsalo
- Marjo Tienari
Person in charge
Katri Maijanen
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- demonstrates mastery of key methods of assessment, planning and nursing care of a patient who is suddenly ill or has a long-term illness, at reception, on a hospital ward and at home
- is able to act safely and ethically in different phases of the care process using digital information in a versatile and creative way
- knows how to act as a nursing expert in holistic patient care in different nursing environments, utilising technologies and digital services
- knows how to self-evaluate and reflect on his/her own activities and in relation to others
Content (course unit)
Planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a patient with a sudden or long-term illness at reception, on a hospital ward and at home using digital data
Prerequisites (course unit)
At the beginning of the elective vocational studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include the theoretical studies and orientation to practical training of the area which the student has chosen for the elective studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology. The required areas are medical and surgical nursing, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing and nursing in outpatient clinic.
Completion of the course Nursing in Modernising Primary Health Care
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- is able plan, implement and assess nursing care safely
- is working professionally and ethically
the student puts patient safety at risk
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
15.12.2022 - 19.03.2023
20.03.2023 - 16.04.2023
2 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Open University of Applied Sciences
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Open University of Applied Sciences
- Katri Maijanen
- Marjo Tienari
Person in charge
Katri Maijanen
20SHHUPVSairaanhoitajan tutkinto-ohjelma, Virrat
Objectives (course unit)
The student
- demonstrates mastery of key methods of assessment, planning and nursing care of a patient who is suddenly ill or has a long-term illness, at reception, on a hospital ward and at home
- is able to act safely and ethically in different phases of the care process using digital information in a versatile and creative way
- knows how to act as a nursing expert in holistic patient care in different nursing environments, utilising technologies and digital services
- knows how to self-evaluate and reflect on his/her own activities and in relation to others
Content (course unit)
Planning, implementing, and assessing nursing care of a patient with a sudden or long-term illness at reception, on a hospital ward and at home using digital data
Prerequisites (course unit)
At the beginning of the elective vocational studies, the student must have completed 135 credits. These should include the theoretical studies and orientation to practical training of the area which the student has chosen for the elective studies, as well as courses in anatomy and physiology. The required areas are medical and surgical nursing, mental health and substance abuse nursing, gerontological nursing and nursing in outpatient clinic.
Completion of the course Nursing in Modernising Primary Health Care
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
The student
- is able plan, implement and assess nursing care safely
- is working professionally and ethically
the student puts patient safety at risk
Assessment scale