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Quality Assurance and Determination of the Patient's Radiation ExposureLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 7R00GM59


5 op


After completing the course, the student will be able to perform quality assurance related to X-ray equipment and evaluate measurement results. In addition, the student will be able to optimize and determine the radiation dose received by the patient from an X-ray examination.

After completing the course, the student:
• knows the national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• knows how to optimize patients’ radiation exposure in X-ray examinations
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective doses) in X-ray examinations and report the results
• can perform the quality assurance measurements and report the results
• knows how to discuss the results upon previous knowledge
• knows how to use the radiological equipment safely


• national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• the use of PCXMC to determine doses and reporting doses
• technical quality assurance of radiological equipment and reporting findings
• safe use of radiological equipment

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

• can explain the key concepts of quality assurance and radiation exposure
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective dose) in x-ray examinations
• can perform the quality assurance measurements
• can report the results following good scientific practice

• clear gaps, misunderstandings and factual errors in theoretical knowledge
• the exercise work is either completely unreturned or the points assigned for completion and repair have not been changed
• has not participated in training classes

Enrolment period

15.02.2025 - 30.04.2025


03.03.2025 - 19.12.2025


5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Online learning


Radiography and Radiotherapy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
  • Nea Hemmo
  • Tapio Yrjölä
  • Sami Suhonen
  • Julia Kritz
  • Marja Jaronen
Person in charge

Kirsi Mansikkamäki

  • 24RH1

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, the student will be able to perform quality assurance related to X-ray equipment and evaluate measurement results. In addition, the student will be able to optimize and determine the radiation dose received by the patient from an X-ray examination.

After completing the course, the student:
• knows the national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• knows how to optimize patients’ radiation exposure in X-ray examinations
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective doses) in X-ray examinations and report the results
• can perform the quality assurance measurements and report the results
• knows how to discuss the results upon previous knowledge
• knows how to use the radiological equipment safely

Content (course unit)

• national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• the use of PCXMC to determine doses and reporting doses
• technical quality assurance of radiological equipment and reporting findings
• safe use of radiological equipment

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

• can explain the key concepts of quality assurance and radiation exposure
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective dose) in x-ray examinations
• can perform the quality assurance measurements
• can report the results following good scientific practice

• clear gaps, misunderstandings and factual errors in theoretical knowledge
• the exercise work is either completely unreturned or the points assigned for completion and repair have not been changed
• has not participated in training classes

Assessment scale


Enrolment period

15.02.2025 - 30.04.2025


03.03.2025 - 19.12.2025


5 op

Virtual portion

2 op

Mode of delivery

60 % Contact teaching, 40 % Online learning


Radiography and Radiotherapy


TAMK Main Campus

Teaching languages
  • Finnish
Degree programmes
  • Degree Programme in Radiography and Radiotherapy
  • Tapio Yrjölä
  • Sami Suhonen
  • Julia Kritz
  • Mervi Kauppila
  • Marja Jaronen
Person in charge

Kirsi Mansikkamäki

  • 24RH2

Objectives (course unit)

After completing the course, the student will be able to perform quality assurance related to X-ray equipment and evaluate measurement results. In addition, the student will be able to optimize and determine the radiation dose received by the patient from an X-ray examination.

After completing the course, the student:
• knows the national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• knows how to optimize patients’ radiation exposure in X-ray examinations
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective doses) in X-ray examinations and report the results
• can perform the quality assurance measurements and report the results
• knows how to discuss the results upon previous knowledge
• knows how to use the radiological equipment safely

Content (course unit)

• national legislation and instructions from authorities and EU-recommendations governing quality assurance measurements and optimization of patients’ radiation exposure
• the use of PCXMC to determine doses and reporting doses
• technical quality assurance of radiological equipment and reporting findings
• safe use of radiological equipment

Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)

• can explain the key concepts of quality assurance and radiation exposure
• can determine the patients’ dose (organ doses and effective dose) in x-ray examinations
• can perform the quality assurance measurements
• can report the results following good scientific practice

• clear gaps, misunderstandings and factual errors in theoretical knowledge
• the exercise work is either completely unreturned or the points assigned for completion and repair have not been changed
• has not participated in training classes

Assessment scale
