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Supervised Clinical Training 17, Intrapartum Midwifery Care IIILaajuus (6 cr)

Code: 7K00GJ68


6 op


In this course, you will deepen your knowledge of midwifery during normal and complicated childbirth.
This course prepares students to support the physiological process of birth and to detect and prevent factors that impede it.

After completing the course, the student
• is able to promote the physiological process of childbirth and labour
• is able to identify and prevent factors that impede the physiological process of childbirth and labour
• identifies the differences between low- and high-risk childbirth and is able to adapt actions and follow up appropriately
• will be able to identify complications and changes in the condition of the mother, fetus, mother and newborn and provides care
• is able to build and support positive birth experience
• is able to act professionally in special situations (e.g. difficult interaction situation or emergency)
• provides information, support and encouragement to the mother and her birthing companion in good interaction
• knows under supervision midwifery care during complicated childbirth
• is able to protect sexual and reproductive health during childbirth and understands extensively its special features in complicated childbirth
• is able to act in a way that promotes sustainable development


Supervised clinical training in delivery room


Completed supervised practical training, Intraparum Midwifery Care II.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

• promotes the physiology of childbirth and labour
• is able to plan and provide holistic intrapartum midwifery care safely and responsibly
• is able to assess the necessity and timeliness of interventions
• is able to identify the difference between low- and high-risk childbirths and, under supervision, knows how to provide midwifery care in them
• is able to prevent and identify changes and complications in the condition of the mother, fetus, mother and newborn, and acts as an active member of a multiprofessional team
• is able to use appropriate intrapartum follow up methods and is able to reason their use
• builds and supports positive birth experience
• is able to protect sexual and reproductive health intrapartum and understand extensively its special features in complicated childbirth
• knows the ethical principals in sexual and reproductive health and intrapartum midwifery care and acts accordingly
• identifies client's individual needs and unique normality in guidance and midwifery care
• follows the guidelines of the supervised clinical training
• evaluates own competence realistically and is able to give and receive feedback  

• has major gaps in knowledge of midwifery during normal and complicated childbirth
• is not able to plan, provide and evaluate the care safely
• does not identify the factors that impede the physiological process of childbirth and labour, and does not understand the necessity or timeliness of interventions
• does not identify the differences between low- and high-risk childbirth, and is not able to adapt actions and follow up appropriately
• is not able to reliably identify complications or changes in the wellbeing of the mother, fetus, mother or newborn
• does not know how to support a positive birth experience nor its meaning to wellbeing of the family
• does not use intrapartum follow up methods appropriately and is unable to utilize or interpret that data reliably
• is not able to anticipate, identify or report changes in the condition of the newborn
• does not understand the protection of sexual and reproductive health intrapartum and does not understand its special features in complicated childbirth
• does not recognize the limits of competence and endangers patient safety
• fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training
• evaluates her/his own competence of midwifery care during childbirth unrealistically, doesn’t reflect on her/his development and is unable to give and receive feedback

Further information

Two out of three supervised clinical trainings of Intrapartum Midwifery Care needs to be done at the university hospital.