Supervised Clinical Training 16, Midwifery Care during High Risk Pregnancy IILaajuus (6 cr)
Code: 7K00GJ67
6 op
During the supervised practical training course, you will deepen your competence in the midwifery of high-risk pregnancy patients. The course prepares you for identifying, monitoring and implementing comprehensive treatment of different high-risk pregnancies.
The student
• is able to plan, implement and assess the holistic care of a woman with the high risk pregnancy safely and responsibly
• is able to prevent, anticipate and recognize complications and changes in the wellbeing of a pregnant woman with the high risk pregnancy and a student is able to work as a member in the multi-professional team actively
• is able to perform the labour induction in the person-centered and safe way
• is able to perform the vaginal and abdominal examinations, is able to assess fetal weight at the early stage of labour and observe the fetal wellbeing safely
• is able to support, console and guide the high risk pregnant woman and her family in the person-centred way
• evaluates her/his own competence and development of expertise in midwifery regarding high risk pregnancies realistically and is able to give and receive feedback
• meets the pregnant woman and her family and student’s own work group members professionally
• is able to reflect ethical issues related midwifery professionally
• holistic high risk pregnancy midwifery
• 4 weeks supervised clinical training in a high risk pregnancy ward
Participating in the Supervised Clinical Training, Midwifery Care during high risk pregnancy I
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student
• is able to implement the holistic care of a woman with the high risk pregnancy safely and responsibly
• is able to prevent, anticipate and recognize complication and changes in the wellbeing of a pregnant woman with the high risk pregnancy
• is able to work as a member in the multi-professional team actively
• is able to observe the wellbeing of a pregnant woman and a fetus in the high risk pregnancy reliably
• masters the basic knowledge of a high-risk pregnancy midwifery, recognizes the lack of knowledge in him/herself and actively seeks for the evidence based knowledge
• is able to do a labour induction in the customer oriented and safely way
• is able to support and guide the high risk pregnant woman and her family in a customer oriented way
• follows the professional confidentiality and the data protection guidelines
• follows the agreed rules of the supervised practical training in his / her actions
• meets the pregnant woman, her family and a student’s own work group members professionally
• evaluates her/his own competence and development of expertise in midwifery regarding high-risk pregnancies realistically and is able to give and receive feedback
The student
• is not able to plan, implement and assess the care of a woman with the most significant pregnancy risks
• has wide shortcomings in the knowledge of a high-risk pregnancy midwifery
• observes the maternal and fetal wellbeing in high-risk pregnancies with the adequate methods, is neither able to anticipate or recognize changes that take place in the situations nor report about these ahead
• does not recognize the boundaries of his/her expertise, endangering patient safety of a pregnant woman and a fetus
• violates professional confidentiality or patient privacy
• fails to follow the agreed rules for the supervised practice
• meets the pregnant woman, her family and a student’s own work group members unprofessionally
• evaluates her/his own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback