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Supervised Clinical Training 11, Intrapartum Midwifery Care ILaajuus (6 cr)

Code: 7K00GJ62


6 op


In this course, you learn midwifery care during childbirth.
The course provides the skills to promote the physiological process of labour and birth. After the course you are able to manage the birth safely.

After completing the course student
• understands how to promote the physiology of labour and childbirth
• is able to provide intrapartum midwifery care in normal labour and childbirth under supervision
• is able to identify the changes and complications in wellbeing of the woman, fetus, and newborn baby intrapartum
• is able to provide information, support, and encouragement to woman and her birthing companion in the different stages of childbirth
• knows how to care the newborn immediately after birth
• understands the meaning of positive childbirth experience and how to support it
• knows how to protect sexual and reproductive health intrapartum
• is able to act in a way that promotes sustainable development


Supervised clinical training in delivery rooms


Participation in courses on Midwifery Care during Childbirth

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

The student
• Is able to promote the physiology of labour and childbirth
• is able to implement holistic midwifery care under supervision
• is able to observe the changes and complications in wellbeing of woman in labour and and after birth, the fetus and newborn baby
• is able to utilize different intrapartum follow up methods
• is able to provide information, support, and encouragement to woman and her birthing companion in the different stages of childbirth
• understands how to support positive birthing experience
• is able to promote women’s sexual and reproductive health intrapartum under supervision
• knows how to care the newborn immediately after birth
• executes intrapartum medication care correctly and safely
• acts under supervision as an active member of a multiprofessional team
• knows the ethical principals in sexual and reproductive health and intrapartum midwifery care and acts accordingly
• follows the guidelines of the supervised clinical training
• evaluates own competence realistically and is able to give and receive feedback
• is able to act in a way that promotes sustainable development

The student
• has serious gaps in intrapartum midwifery care knowledge
• is not under supervision able to plan, implement and assess the care of the women in labour, there are wide shortcomings in knowledge of midwifery care during childbirth
• is not able to observe reliably the wellbeing of woman in labour, fetus, parturitant or newborn baby with the adequate methods, nor is able to identify and report the changes
• is not able to utilize different intrapartum follow up methods
• is not able to provide information, support, and encouragement to woman and her birthing companion in the different stages of childbirth
• does not know how to support positive birthing experience, nor understands the meaning of positive birthing experience to
• does not know how to care the newborn immediately after birth
• is not able to promote women’s sexual and reproductive health intrapartum even under supervision
• does not recognize the limits of competence and endangers patient safety
• fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised clinical training
• evaluates her/his own competence of midwifery care during childbirth unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback

Further information

Two out of three supervised clinical trainings of Intrapartum Midwifery Care needs to be done at the university hospital.