Supervised Clinical Training 10, Midwifery Care During PregnancyLaajuus (7 cr)
Code: 7K00GJ61
7 op
In this course, you learn comprehensive midwifery care during pregnancy. The course provides the skills to work independently in monitoring different stages of pregnancy and to guide and support expectant families in a holistic manner.
The objective of the study module is to be able to independently guide and care for pregnancy, identify abnormalities, provide guidance for further treatment, and act safely for both the pregnant individual and the fetus.
After this course, the student
• is able to implement the woman centered follow up and guidance during pregnancy independently and safely
• knows how to support and assess the wellbeing of fetus and pregnant woman, identify risks / abnormalities and take care of the further examinations
• knows how to support the positive pregnancy experience for women
• masters how to implement and guide screening during pregnancy and how to interpret results
• meets the patient, family, and the members of work group in an appropriate and respectful manner
• knows the ethical principals in midwifery care and acts accordingly
• reflects and evaluates his/her own activities realistically and is able to give and receive feedback
• is able to act in a way that promotes sustainable development
Supervised clinical training in maternity clinic
Participated to Pre-pregnancy and antenatal midwifery care
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
The student
• is able to implement woman centered follow up and guidance during pregnancy independently
• knows how to support and assess the wellbeing of fetus and pregnant woman safely and responsibly and identifies risks
• knows how to support women in the positive pregnancy experience
• masters how to implement the screening during pregnancy and how to interpret results and organize further examinations
• reflects and evaluates his/her own activities realistically and is able to give and receive feedback
• follows the confidentiality and data protection guidelines
• follows in his / her actions the agreed rules of the supervised practical training
• is able to act in a way that promotes sustainable development
The student
• is not able to implement the customer oriented follow up during pregnancy independently
• evaluates her/his own competence unrealistically and endangering patient safely
• is not able to give customer oriented guidance
• is not able to perform and interpret screening during pregnancy
• communication with the pregnant woman, families and work group is unprofessional
• violates confidentiality or patient privacy
• fails to follow the agreed rules for supervised practic
• evaluates her/his own competence unrealistically and is unable to receive feedback