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Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy for Adults 2Laajuus (9 cr)

Code: 7F00GU47


9 op


The aim of the course is to develop a basic understanding of upper limb and neck problems in adults and their physiotherapy.

On completion of the course, the student will
• knows the most typical diseases of the upper limbs and neck and understands their anatomy, pathophysiology (red flags) and biomechanics in the patient's working and operating environment
• be able to study and analyse the patient's mobility and functional capacity and the changes in these within the framework of the ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) principles
• understands the principles of examination (differential diagnosis) and is able to apply appropriate and up-to-date methods of physiotherapeutic examination to determine the mobility and functional capacity of patients with upper limb and neck disorders
• identify red and yellow flags based on examination of the patient
• can draw conclusions from the examination taking into account the individual and environmental factors of the patient
• recognises the limits of his/her own competence and is able to refer the patient to a doctor or other health professional if necessary when signs of risk to the patient's musculoskeletal function are detected and is able to refer the patient to other health professionals for consultation
• can work in a multidisciplinary team to promote the musculoskeletal function of the client
• knows the different forms of therapy/physiotherapy methods and is able to select, justify and apply physiotherapy methods to influence pain and musculoskeletal problems as required by the client's situation and in individual and group physiotherapy
• motivates and encourages the client to engage in therapeutic exercises and to carry out exercises in the client's environment
• bases his/her activities on evidence-based knowledge, best practices and guidelines
• knows how to actively maintain his/her professional competence in the musculoskeletal field as a whole


• differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning and planning, implementation and evaluation of physiotherapy for patients with upper limb and neck pain
• principles of therapeutic exercise in the case of a patient with upper limb and neck pain
• physical therapy
• medicine and pharmacology where specified
• imaging
• ICF, International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)


• can identify and define the main aspects of phenomena and basic concepts related to fire physiotherapy and other topics of the course, but have difficulty in actively structuring the knowledge
• is poorly prepared for study situations and goal-oriented group work
• only partially recognises and distinguishes his/her interaction skills and professional activities
• performs exercises and tasks with partial support and guidance,
• shows limited competence in knowledge and skills when carrying out exercises,
• acts externally and in a formulaic manner in guidance situations,
• does not provide sufficient justification for the activity,
• inadequately prepares for tasks
• acts inappropriately and unilaterally

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)


• recognise the links between knowledge, phenomena and concepts related to fire physiotherapy
• is able to use previously learned, new research knowledge and best practice in the field of adult physiotherapy
• be able to apply knowledge to different situations
• as a rule, prepares carefully and systematically for situations
• demonstrates the ability to develop his/her interpersonal skills
• takes responsibility for his/her own and the group's activities
• can use partial clinical reasoning and justify his/her actions

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)


• can combine previously learned and new knowledge flexibly, creatively and appropriately, especially in the field of fire physiotherapy
• can assess his/her own competence in a developmental way and demonstrate active development of his/her professional skills through his/her activities
• cooperates responsibly, flexibly and constructively and understands the limits of his/her own physiotherapeutic competence in multi-professional cooperation
• is able to apply new research findings
• can determine a physiotherapeutic diagnosis and can make clinical judgements
• is able to practice actively, to evaluate his/her training and learning in a comprehensive manner and to justify his/her activities
• recognises and is able to describe the limits of his/her professional competence in a multidisciplinary context
• receive feedback constructively and improve his/her own performance

Assessment criteria, pass/fail


• basic knowledge and skills are clearly lacking and application of knowledge is incorrect.
• fails to prepare for situations and fails to use the feedback received
• avoids active participation in learning situations
• withdraws, selects or neglects assignments and practice in lessons