Utilizing Drones and Point Cloud Data in ForestryLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 6M00HI03
5 op
In the course, you will learn about laser scanning and the data produced with laser scanning, as well as the utilization of drones.
After completing the course, the student:
• knows the sources of open spatial data and the principles of producing airborne laser scanning data
• can integrate open spatial data with self-produced data
• has the basic skills of flying a drone and collecting drone image data
• can use photogrammetry software to produce data from close-range aerial images collected by a drone
• knows the operating principles of a terrestrial laser scanner and the possibilities of using point cloud data collected with it
• can utilize point clouds in open-source spatial data software
• can apply the above-mentioned skills in forestry applications
Key open datasets utilized in forestry, methods for collecting point clouds and three-dimensional spatial data, data processing, drones and close-range aerial imaging, airborne and terrestrial laser scanning, commercial and open-source software for data processing, data utilization, and application in forestry, Traficom's open category A1/A3 class drone remote pilot online theory exam.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student:
-knows the sources of open spatial data
- can moderately combine open spatial data with self-produced data
- has the basic skills of flying a drone and passes the drone remote pilot online theory exam
- can guidedly collect image data with a drone and produce data using photogrammetry software
- knows the principles of a terrestrial laser scanner and the possibilities of using point cloud data
- can guidedly use point clouds in open-source spatial data software.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
In addition to the above (satisfactory level), the student:
- knows the principles of producing airborne laser scanning data
- can independently combine open spatial data with self-produced data
- can fairly independently make a plan, fly a drone, and collect image data
- can produce data using photogrammetry software from close-range aerial images collected by a drone
- knows the operating principles and possibilities of using a terrestrial laser scanner
- can independently use point clouds in open-source spatial data software
- can identify forestry applications for the skills acquired during the course.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
In addition to levels satisfactory and good, the student:
- can independently make a plan, fly a drone, and collect image data
- can extensively utilize point clouds in open-source spatial data software
- can apply the skills acquired during the course in a versatile manner in forestry tasks.