Management of Peatland ForestsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 6M00BH65
5 op
The student:
- knows the special ecological features of peatland forests and their impact on the management of such forests
- knows the site classification system of undrained and drained peatlands and is able to do the classification in field conditions
- knows how to plan silvicultural operations on peatland forests and make a ditching plan
- knows the special features of peatlands from the point of view of forest harvesting and is able to choose an appropriate harvesting method
- is aware of the influence of peatland forest management on aquatic ecosystems and knows the actions to minimize harmful effects.
Classification of peatlands, ecology of peatlands, silviculture on peatland forests, ditching plan, forest harvesting on peatlands, watershed effects of ditching