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Electric Motors and GeneratorsLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5S00GY59


5 op


The student knows
• operation of rotating electrical machines in electrical energy production and use
• selection and dimensioning criteria for rotating electrical machines and key requirements for their maintenance
• electrical counterpart circuits of rotating electrical machines

The student can
• structures of rotating electrical machines, as well as electrical and electromechanical operating principles and basic characteristics
• computationally process electrical machines' counterpart circuits and model static operating situations of electrical machines


Operation of asynchronous machines, synchronous machines, DC machines and reluctance machines in electric energy production and use.

The structures, operating principles, characteristics, usability, protection and maintenance of electrical machines, as well as the counterpart circuits that model the operation of the machines.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student knows the structures, operating principles and basic characteristics of electrical machines. The student knows the principles of computational processing of electrical machines' counterpart circuits. The student recognizes the use of various electrical machines in industry and as part of the electricity supply system.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student knows the structures, operating principles and basic characteristics of electrical machines. The student knows how to computationally handle the equivalent circuits of electrical machines. The student knows the selection and dimensioning criteria of electrical machines, as well as the importance of various electrical machines for industry and electrical maintenance.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student knows the structures, operating principles and basic characteristics of electrical machines. The student can computationally model various static operating situations of electrical machines. The student knows the selection and dimensioning criteria of electrical machines and can evaluate the importance of various electrical machines for industry and electrical maintenance.