Electrical Drives in Automation SystemsLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5S00GY97
5 op
The student is able to
• dimension the most common electric motor drives and knows where the drives are used
• dimension direct and adjusted motor drives
• describe the central components in power electronics, their function and impact on the network
• make control circuits for electric motor drives
• explain the possibilities of a frequency converter drive
• describe ways to integrate systems.
Selection criteria for the most common electric motor drives used in automation. The selection and functioning of low voltage appliances and power electronic devices. Selection of motors, overload protection of motors, components of a low voltage centre, basics of power electronics, adjusted motor drives used in industry. Main and control circuit diagrams.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student knows the structures of electric motor drives and knows their functional characteristics, and knows how to select and size components for the most typical industrial applications.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student understands the structures of electric motor drives and knows their functional characteristics, and knows how to design overall solutions for the most typical industrial applications.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has deeply internalized the structures of electric motor drives and their functional properties, and knows how to design overall solutions for various applications based on technical and economic principles.