Smart Grids and Energy StorageLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5S00GY70
5 op
The student can
• Explains the growing need for energy storage as part of the transformation of the electricity system.
• categorize the different large-scale energy storage technologies and know their technical characteristics.
• explain the applications of energy storage in a modern energy system.
• identify smart grid technologies and their characteristics.
Large-scale energy storage technologies: battery, supercapacitor, hydrogen and fuel cells, pump power plant, storage of electricity for heat, smart grid technologies and ICT systems.
Applications of large-scale energy storage and technology utilization in power systems: power grid power reserve system, demand response, electric vehicle charging, power grid balancing, tethered electricity storage buffer, power storage as part of the building's electrical system.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student knows the basic functions of energy storage and understands the basic principles of a smart grid.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has a good understanding of intelligent electrical energy systems and energy storage. He knows the principles of energy storage planning and selection.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has a holistic understanding of intelligent electrical energy systems and energy storage. He is able to select and dimension the energy storage into the electricity system in different situations.