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MEI-70150 Composite Structures in AircraftsLaajuus (3 cr)

Code: 5K00EK22


3 op


TTY is responsible of the content and objectives of the course.

Student has knowledge of
• Basic composite airframe structures
• Composite mechanical properties and mechanics
• Manufacturing and repair methods used with airframe structures


TTY is responsible of the content and objectives of the course.

• Introduction to composite materials
• Basic of composite mechanics
• Introduction to composite manufacturing and repair methods

Further information

TTY is responsible of the content and objectives of the course.

From autumn 2024, the course will be implemented under the code KONE.610 Teknisten järjestelmien luotettavuus ja kunnossapito.

Saarela O., Airasmaa I., Kokko J., Komposiittirakenteet, 2007