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Innovation ProjectsLaajuus (5 op)

Tunnus: 5K00CE52


5 op


The student has skills to work within international innovation projects especially from the mechanical and production engineering point of view. Student has the basic skills in product development project planning, steering and management. Student can use a project management tool for project control. Student knows how to apply the innovation into principles and methods of product development process. Student has a comprehensive understanding of the different phases of an innovative product development process in an international product development projects. Student can use in practice innovative tools, working methods and computer software in product development projects in different phases of a product development project. Student is able to co-operate with other people in an international working environment within machine design and project management.


This course is a project oriented “learning by doing” type course, including innovative design projects in teams. Focus is on project work and innovation; innovative (advanced) materials, innovative solutions, innovative (emerging) technologies, innovative design process, tools and methods. The topic of the project will be set by teams or given by our partners (company etc.). Target is to make development of a new product or improvement of existing products.

Excange student can participate non-stop to this course.


Kurssi on tarkoitettu vaihto-opiskelijoille. Opintojakson laajuus on tapauskohtaisesti tavallisestii välillä 5-10 op.