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Product DevelopmentLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 5K00BG82


5 op


Student knows the principals of systematic product development process, engineering methods and tools. Student understand the meaning of innovation and generating ideas in developing products. Student is familiar with meaning of product configuration, product concept, industrial design, ergonomic, principals of design methods in machine design and in launching competitive products to markets. Student is able to work in product development projects and can create simple project plans. Student knows main ideas of how to protect design rights. Student knows the requirements of machine directives concern entire product life cycle and knows how to define aspects which determine that the products and structures that are safe and easy to use .


Systematic product development process and marketing. Innovation, generating new ideas, creativity, product design, product development, configuration, product concepts, industrial design, testing, prototypes, rapid prototyping, management of product development projects, design rights protection, product life cycle, quality, DFM, DFA, DFX.


Student has basic skills of machine design engineering