Mobile Machine TechnologyLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 5C00GO40
5 op
After completing the course, the student
- know the structures of more common work machines
- can take machine safety into account
- understand the impact of the machine's movement on the terrain
- understand the safe structures of the machine cab
- know the distribution and bevel gears of the machine
- can calculate the stability of a simple machine.
The aim of the study course is to develop expertise in machine technology.
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student recognizes some structures, transmissions and cabs of work machines. The student understands the basics of machine safety. He participates in doing the work and reporting.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student structures the structures, power transmission and cabs of work machines, and follows machine and electrical safety instructions. The student understands the movement of the work machine in the terrain. Can calculate a simple stability calculation. The student works actively as a member of the group and can report his work well.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student structures the structures, power transmission and cabs of work machines, and follows machine and electrical safety instructions. The student understands the movement of the work machine in the terrain. Can calculate a simple stability calculation. The student works actively as a member of the group and can report his work well.