Self LeadershipLaajuus (1 cr)
Code: NN00HD36
1 op
This course provides some insights on how to organize your work more efficiently, how study-engagement affects you and the people around you and how do you transform your learnings into value for yourself and others.
After the course student
• will understand the key elements of leading own work and studies
• have learned to manage time and set objectives
• can evaluate ways of working and find the first steps to improvement
• Introdution to self-leadership
• Time management and setting objectives
• Motivation and values
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
This course is approved when the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts related to leading one's own work, is able to evaluate their own working methods, and takes measures to develop them.
Enrolment period
01.08.2025 - 31.07.2026
01.08.2025 - 31.08.2026
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 900
- Sanna Tahlo
Person in charge
Sanna Tahlo
Objectives (course unit)
This course provides some insights on how to organize your work more efficiently, how study-engagement affects you and the people around you and how do you transform your learnings into value for yourself and others.
After the course student
• will understand the key elements of leading own work and studies
• have learned to manage time and set objectives
• can evaluate ways of working and find the first steps to improvement
Content (course unit)
• Introdution to self-leadership
• Time management and setting objectives
• Motivation and values
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
This course is approved when the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts related to leading one's own work, is able to evaluate their own working methods, and takes measures to develop them.
Location and time
The course and the Moodle is open 1.8.2025 - 31.8.2026. You can complete the course at your own pace.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is approved when you have studied the given material and successfully completed the learning assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials.
The course is failed when you have not studied the given material and completed the assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Videos, podcasts, reading materials and online materials.
Learning materials
Online materials are listed in the course Moodle.
Further information
This course is delivered entirely online and independently in Moodle, and you can progress at your own pace, at a time that suits you. Once you have been accepted to the course, the course Moodle platform will automatically appear.
Enrolment period
01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 31.08.2025
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
- English
20 - 1200
- Toni Lehtimäki
- Sanna Tahlo
- Sanna Tahlo
- Miina Kivelä
Person in charge
Sanna Tahlo
Objectives (course unit)
This course provides some insights on how to organize your work more efficiently, how study-engagement affects you and the people around you and how do you transform your learnings into value for yourself and others.
After the course student
• will understand the key elements of leading own work and studies
• have learned to manage time and set objectives
• can evaluate ways of working and find the first steps to improvement
Content (course unit)
• Introdution to self-leadership
• Time management and setting objectives
• Motivation and values
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
This course is approved when the student demonstrates knowledge of the basic concepts related to leading one's own work, is able to evaluate their own working methods, and takes measures to develop them.
Location and time
1.8.2024-31.8.2025, independet, self-paced studying in Moodle
Exam schedules
No spesific dates, exams or re-takes. The course needs to be completed on 31.8.2025 at the latest.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course is approved when you have studied the given material and successfully completed the learning assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials.
The course is failed when you have not studied the given material and completed the assignments on the Moodle platform, using the course materials
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Videos, podcasts, reading materials and online materials
Learning materials
Online materials are listed in the course Moodle.
Student workload
It should take around 24h to complete te course
Content scheduling
Content is divided into six different sections
Completion alternatives
No alternative ways to complete the course
Practical training and working life cooperation
No special working life co-operation
International connections
You can choose to do the course in English or in Finnish. You can choose the language in Moodle. We encourage international students with some Finnish skills that you can also do the course in Finnish.
Further information
This course is done completely online and independently in Moodle, and you can complete it at your own pace, at a time that suits you. You can start the course right away on Moodle. You don’t have to wait to be accepted on the course, you can start studying when you want.
In order to get the credits, you also have to sign up officially in Pakki (TAMK Students) / Cross-Institutional Service (TAU Students). Please note that during the holiday seasons there are delays in the awarding of credits.
Kurssi Moodlessa:
Ilmoittautumisen avain on: Student25
This Moodle is open 1.8.2024 - 31.8.2025.
TAMK students
Pakki + course code NN00HD36-3001
TAU students
Cross-institutional service + course code NN00HD36-3001
! TAU-student: Cross-Institutional Service will be closed on 31st of May – 31st of July. During that period, you can already start and do the course on Moodle. In August you have to sign up officially in Cross-Institutional Service and after that coach will register you and you will get your credits.