Paper Converting and PrintingLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 5P00EE10
5 op
The student knows the most common paper and paper board converting products and their end usability requirements. The student can describe the raw materials and manufacturing processes of them. The student can describe the principles of different printing methods. The student knows products and the printing substrates as well as the demands for the printing substrates in different printing methods and can apply this knowledge to manufacturing processes of the materials.
Tissue products, adhesive laminates, disposable dishes, cores. Quality formation of the print. Offset printing, rotogravure printing, flexo, electrophotography and ink jet printing: products and demands for printing substrate in these printing methods.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
Knowing: recognizes paper and paper board converting products, defines the most important properties of those, understand the basics of the factors affecting quality and basics of the processes. The student recognises different printing processes and products printed with each method, defines the most important requirements of the each printing method for the printing substrate.
Doing: manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Being: can give and receive feedback, can work in a group, takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
Knowing: structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts, applies knowledge on the tasks. Explains different kind of paper converting products and their manufacturing processes, compares the different products and processes. Explains the printing processes and problems, compares the different printing processes and products. Structures things in relation to one another.
Doing: applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.
Recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field.
Takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
Knowing: Analyses how different types of manufacturing processes affect the product quality, costs and environment, describes with arguments the optimal process for manufacturing different paper converting products, analyses printing processes and problems.
Doing: can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action, assesses diverse solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.
10.06.2024 - 01.09.2024
02.09.2024 - 20.12.2024
5 op
Rakennettu ympäristö ja biotalous
TAMK Pääkampus
- Englanti
- Biotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Päivi Viitaharju
- Kai Lankinen
Päivi Viitaharju
22BIOTABiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, kevät 2022
21BIOTBBiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, syksy 2021
24KVTBIOTBiotuotetekniikka kevät 2024, double degree
Tavoitteet (OJ)
The student knows the most common paper and paper board converting products and their end usability requirements. The student can describe the raw materials and manufacturing processes of them. The student can describe the principles of different printing methods. The student knows products and the printing substrates as well as the demands for the printing substrates in different printing methods and can apply this knowledge to manufacturing processes of the materials.
Sisältö (OJ)
Tissue products, adhesive laminates, disposable dishes, cores. Quality formation of the print. Offset printing, rotogravure printing, flexo, electrophotography and ink jet printing: products and demands for printing substrate in these printing methods.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Knowing: recognizes paper and paper board converting products, defines the most important properties of those, understand the basics of the factors affecting quality and basics of the processes. The student recognises different printing processes and products printed with each method, defines the most important requirements of the each printing method for the printing substrate.
Doing: manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Being: can give and receive feedback, can work in a group, takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Knowing: structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts, applies knowledge on the tasks. Explains different kind of paper converting products and their manufacturing processes, compares the different products and processes. Explains the printing processes and problems, compares the different printing processes and products. Structures things in relation to one another.
Doing: applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.
Recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field.
Takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Knowing: Analyses how different types of manufacturing processes affect the product quality, costs and environment, describes with arguments the optimal process for manufacturing different paper converting products, analyses printing processes and problems.
Doing: can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action, assesses diverse solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.
Tenttien ja uusintatenttien ajankohdat
Kaksi osakoetta. Uusintakokeesta sovitaan myöhemmin (EXAM/paperitentti).
Arviointimenetelmät ja arvioinnin perusteet
Pisteet yhteensä max 60 p:
- kaksi 20 pisteen koetta (8 p läpipääsyraja),
- ryhmätyö ja sen seminaariesitys yht. max 10 p.
- kotitehtävät max 6 p
- läsnäolo max 4 p (55 - 65 % 1 p., 65-75 % 2 p., 75 - 85 % 3 p., > 85 p. 4 p.),
- aktiivisuus tunneilla voi nostaa arvosanaa, ja opettajan antamat lisätehtävät voivat tuoda ekstrapisteistä.
Opiskelumuodot ja opetusmenetelmät
Kontaktiopetus, laboratorioharjoitukset, ryhmätyö ja seminaari
Tunneilla käsitelty materiaali (Moodle).
Karhuketo, H., Seppälä, M.J., Törn, T., Viluksela, P. 2004. Paperin ja kartongin jalostus. Vantaa: Kemiallinen metsäteollisuus 3.
Oittinen S.& Saarelma H., 2009. Print Media – Principles, Processes and Quality. Helsinki: Paper Engineers’ Association / Paperi ja Puu Oy
Opiskelijan ajankäyttö ja kuormitus
Kontaktiopetus 50 h, opiskelijan oma työ 85: kotitehtävät, seminaariesitys, kokeisiin valmistautuminen
Sisällön jaksotus
Painatusmenetelmät yleisesti, painojäljen muodostyminen ja laatu, painettavuus ja ajettavuus painokoneilla, eri painomenetelmät ja niillä painettavat tuotteet sekä niiden vaatimukset painomateriaalille: syväpaino, flekso, offset, digitaaliset menetelmät.
Painatukseen liittyvät jälkikäsittelyt.
Pehmopaperin jalostusprosessit. Tarralaminaatin valmistus. Kertakäyttäastioiden ja hylsyjen valmistus.
Toteutuksen valinnaiset suoritustavat
Harjoittelu- ja työelämäyhteistyö
Mahdollinen ekskursio tai ekskursioita paino- tai jalostuslaitokseen
Lisätietoja opiskelijoille
Esitietovaatumukset: Perusteet paperin valmistuksesta ja paperituotteista.
07.06.2023 - 04.09.2023
04.09.2023 - 17.12.2023
5 op
TAMK Pääkampus
- Suomi
- Biotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma
- Pirre Hyötynen
Päivi Viitaharju
21BIOTABiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, kevät 2021
20BIOTBBiotuotetekniikan tutkinto-ohjelma, syksy 2020
Tavoitteet (OJ)
The student knows the most common paper and paper board converting products and their end usability requirements. The student can describe the raw materials and manufacturing processes of them. The student can describe the principles of different printing methods. The student knows products and the printing substrates as well as the demands for the printing substrates in different printing methods and can apply this knowledge to manufacturing processes of the materials.
Sisältö (OJ)
Tissue products, adhesive laminates, disposable dishes, cores. Quality formation of the print. Offset printing, rotogravure printing, flexo, electrophotography and ink jet printing: products and demands for printing substrate in these printing methods.
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2) (OJ)
Knowing: recognizes paper and paper board converting products, defines the most important properties of those, understand the basics of the factors affecting quality and basics of the processes. The student recognises different printing processes and products printed with each method, defines the most important requirements of the each printing method for the printing substrate.
Doing: manages the assigned tasks under supervision/assisted.
Being: can give and receive feedback, can work in a group, takes responsibility for his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4) (OJ)
Knowing: structures relations between field-related phenomena and concepts, applies knowledge on the tasks. Explains different kind of paper converting products and their manufacturing processes, compares the different products and processes. Explains the printing processes and problems, compares the different printing processes and products. Structures things in relation to one another.
Doing: applies substance matter learnt in previous studies, makes a plan/plans before carrying out tasks, limits tasks/problems to have an appropriate scope, solves problems.
Being: can give and receive feedback actively and constructively, can cooperate responsibly and is ready to develop his/her interaction skills.
Recognizes and follows the important courses of action in the field.
Takes responsibility and commits to the group activities in addition to his/her own work.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5) (OJ)
Knowing: Analyses how different types of manufacturing processes affect the product quality, costs and environment, describes with arguments the optimal process for manufacturing different paper converting products, analyses printing processes and problems.
Doing: can search for diverse courses of action and solution alternatives, justify his/her choices and try new courses of action, assesses diverse solution alternatives, combines solution alternatives creatively or creates new ones.
Being: can cooperate responsibly, flexibly and constructively, develops his/her own and the group's interaction, works responsibly and in a committed manner considering the community and field requirements and needs.