Financial Information Systems and Business IntelligenceLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 3H00DP30
5 op
The course familiarizes the students with the most common information systems used in financial management, business intelligence and what possibilities robotics and artificial intelligence offer for developing business and financial processes.
After completing the course the students
- know different business intelligence (BI) solutions in practise
- are able to utilize the functionalities Microsoft Excel offers in representing and analysing the financial situation of a company
- understand the relevance of robotics in developing accounting processes
- understand the possibilities artificial intelligence and machine learning offer for business planning and strategic management.
What do Business Intelligence (BI) or Business Insight mean and what possibilities they offer in business development?
How can robotics accelerate business process development?
How can artificial intelligence and machine learning be utilized in strategic management?
How can business information be visualized?
How can MS Excel be used to formulate advanced reports to support strategic management?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student knows the most important concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with some of the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate some calculations or reports with MS Excel based on instructions and can draw the most obvious conclusions based on the given information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student has mastered the main concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate explicit reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw some conclusions based on the information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student has mastered the concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate creative, diverse reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw conclusions based on the information.
Enrolment period
02.12.2024 - 10.01.2025
13.01.2025 - 13.05.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Tiina Wickman-Viitala
- Helena Karjalainen
Objectives (course unit)
The course familiarizes the students with the most common information systems used in financial management, business intelligence and what possibilities robotics and artificial intelligence offer for developing business and financial processes.
After completing the course the students
- know different business intelligence (BI) solutions in practise
- are able to utilize the functionalities Microsoft Excel offers in representing and analysing the financial situation of a company
- understand the relevance of robotics in developing accounting processes
- understand the possibilities artificial intelligence and machine learning offer for business planning and strategic management.
Content (course unit)
What do Business Intelligence (BI) or Business Insight mean and what possibilities they offer in business development?
How can robotics accelerate business process development?
How can artificial intelligence and machine learning be utilized in strategic management?
How can business information be visualized?
How can MS Excel be used to formulate advanced reports to support strategic management?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows the most important concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with some of the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate some calculations or reports with MS Excel based on instructions and can draw the most obvious conclusions based on the given information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student has mastered the main concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate explicit reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw some conclusions based on the information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student has mastered the concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate creative, diverse reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw conclusions based on the information.
Location and time
Contact lessons online on Zoom.
Group work presentations will take place at TAMK premises.
Exam schedules
no exam choice
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation and Assignments 100%, active participation can compensate positively.
The assignments will be given on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Potential Guest lecture/lectures
Learning discussions
Moodle learning environment, where Materials and links
Independent information search of the students
Learning materials
Learning material and recommended literature will be informed to the students mainly in the beginning of the course and it can be complemented later.
Some English material will be used.
Student workload
5 ects, work load of the student is 5 x 27 hours = 135 hours total
Content scheduling
Start on Mon Jan 15, 2023 at 14 -16, online on Zoom.
The last class will take place on April, 22, 2023, at TAMK premises.
Completion alternatives
No exam choice
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lecturer
one of the assignments may be done to the student's work place
Further information
Senior Lecturers Taina Huhtinen, Tiina Wickman-Viitala
Prerequisities for participation: performance of the course 3H00DP28 Liiketoiminnan talousjohtaminen or corresponding knowledge.
Enrolment period
23.11.2023 - 14.01.2024
15.01.2024 - 30.04.2024
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
RDI portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Online learning
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 45
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Tiina Wickman-Viitala
- Taina Huhtinen
Person in charge
Taina Huhtinen
Objectives (course unit)
The course familiarizes the students with the most common information systems used in financial management, business intelligence and what possibilities robotics and artificial intelligence offer for developing business and financial processes.
After completing the course the students
- know different business intelligence (BI) solutions in practise
- are able to utilize the functionalities Microsoft Excel offers in representing and analysing the financial situation of a company
- understand the relevance of robotics in developing accounting processes
- understand the possibilities artificial intelligence and machine learning offer for business planning and strategic management.
Content (course unit)
What do Business Intelligence (BI) or Business Insight mean and what possibilities they offer in business development?
How can robotics accelerate business process development?
How can artificial intelligence and machine learning be utilized in strategic management?
How can business information be visualized?
How can MS Excel be used to formulate advanced reports to support strategic management?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows the most important concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with some of the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate some calculations or reports with MS Excel based on instructions and can draw the most obvious conclusions based on the given information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student has mastered the main concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate explicit reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw some conclusions based on the information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student has mastered the concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate creative, diverse reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw conclusions based on the information.
Location and time
Contact lessons online on Zoom.
Group work presentations will take place at TAMK premises.
Exam schedules
no exam choice
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation and Assignments 100%, active participation can compensate positively.
The assignments will be given on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Potential Guest lecture/lectures
Learning discussions
Moodle learning environment, where Materials and links
Independent information search of the students
Learning materials
Learning material and recommended literature will be informed to the students mainly in the beginning of the course and it can be complemented later.
Some English material will be used.
Student workload
5 ects, work load of the student is 5 x 27 hours = 135 hours total
Content scheduling
Start on Mon Jan 15, 2023 at 14 -16, online on Zoom.
The last class will take place on April, 22, 2023, at TAMK premises.
Completion alternatives
No exam choice
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lecturer
one of the assignments may be done to the student's work place
Further information
Senior Lecturers Taina Huhtinen, Tiina Wickman-Viitala
Prerequisities for participation: performance of the course 3H00DP28 Liiketoiminnan talousjohtaminen or corresponding knowledge.
Enrolment period
16.12.2022 - 24.01.2023
24.01.2023 - 03.05.2023
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Online learning
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Pasi Kuusijärvi
- Taina Huhtinen
Person in charge
Taina Huhtinen
Objectives (course unit)
The course familiarizes the students with the most common information systems used in financial management, business intelligence and what possibilities robotics and artificial intelligence offer for developing business and financial processes.
After completing the course the students
- know different business intelligence (BI) solutions in practise
- are able to utilize the functionalities Microsoft Excel offers in representing and analysing the financial situation of a company
- understand the relevance of robotics in developing accounting processes
- understand the possibilities artificial intelligence and machine learning offer for business planning and strategic management.
Content (course unit)
What do Business Intelligence (BI) or Business Insight mean and what possibilities they offer in business development?
How can robotics accelerate business process development?
How can artificial intelligence and machine learning be utilized in strategic management?
How can business information be visualized?
How can MS Excel be used to formulate advanced reports to support strategic management?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows the most important concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with some of the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate some calculations or reports with MS Excel based on instructions and can draw the most obvious conclusions based on the given information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student has mastered the main concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate explicit reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw some conclusions based on the information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student has mastered the concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate creative, diverse reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw conclusions based on the information.
Location and time
Contact lessons either online lectures on Zoom or at TAMK.
Exam schedules
no exam choice
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation and Assignments 100%, active participation can compensate positively.
The assignments will be given on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Potential Guest lecture/lectures
Learning discussions
Moodle learning environment, where Materials and links
Independent information search of the students
Learning materials
Learning material and recommended literature will be informed to the students mainly in the beginning of the course and it can be complemented later.
Some English material will be used.
Student workload
5 ects, work load of the student is 5 x 27 hours = 135 hours total
Content scheduling
Start on Tue Jan 24, 2023 at 14 -16, online on Zoom.
The last class will take place on May, 03, 2023, at TAMK.
Completion alternatives
No exam choice
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lecturer
one of the assignments may be done to the student's work place
Further information
Senior Lecturers Taina Huhtinen, Pasi Kuusijärvi
Prerequisities for participation: performance of the course 3H00DP28 Liiketoiminnan talousjohtaminen or corresponding knowledge.
Enrolment period
16.12.2022 - 24.01.2023
24.01.2023 - 03.05.2023
5 op
Virtual portion
4 op
Mode of delivery
20 % Contact teaching, 80 % Online learning
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- Finnish
20 - 35
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Pasi Kuusijärvi
- Taina Huhtinen
Person in charge
Taina Huhtinen
Objectives (course unit)
The course familiarizes the students with the most common information systems used in financial management, business intelligence and what possibilities robotics and artificial intelligence offer for developing business and financial processes.
After completing the course the students
- know different business intelligence (BI) solutions in practise
- are able to utilize the functionalities Microsoft Excel offers in representing and analysing the financial situation of a company
- understand the relevance of robotics in developing accounting processes
- understand the possibilities artificial intelligence and machine learning offer for business planning and strategic management.
Content (course unit)
What do Business Intelligence (BI) or Business Insight mean and what possibilities they offer in business development?
How can robotics accelerate business process development?
How can artificial intelligence and machine learning be utilized in strategic management?
How can business information be visualized?
How can MS Excel be used to formulate advanced reports to support strategic management?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows the most important concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with some of the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate some calculations or reports with MS Excel based on instructions and can draw the most obvious conclusions based on the given information.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student has mastered the main concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate explicit reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw some conclusions based on the information.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student has mastered the concepts of business intelligence, robotics and artificial intelligence and is familiar with the solutions presented during the course. They are able to formulate creative, diverse reports and calculations utilizing MS Excel functionalities. The student is able to combine information from several sources and to draw conclusions based on the information.
Location and time
Contact lessons either online lectures on Zoom or at TAMK.
Exam schedules
no exam choice
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation and Assignments 100%, active participation can compensate positively.
The assignments will be given on Moodle.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Potential Guest lecture/lectures
Learning discussions
Moodle learning environment, where Materials and links
Independent information search of the students
Learning materials
Learning material and recommended literature will be informed to the students mainly in the beginning of the course and it can be complemented later.
Some English material will be used.
Student workload
5 ects, work load of the student is 5 x 27 hours = 135 hours total
Content scheduling
Start on Tue Jan 24, 2023 at 14 -16, online on Zoom.
The last class will take place on May, 03, 2023, at TAMK.
Completion alternatives
No exam choice
Practical training and working life cooperation
Guest lecturer
one of the assignments may be done to the student's work place
Further information
Senior Lecturers Taina Huhtinen, Pasi Kuusijärvi
Prerequisities for participation: performance of the course 3H00DP28 Liiketoiminnan talousjohtaminen or corresponding knowledge.