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Digitalisation, Systems and Artificial Intelligence in LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 3H00GJ41


5 op


The aim of the course is to deepen the student's expertise in the field of digitalization, focusing especially on systems, measurement, analytics, artificial intelligence and robotics used in management.

- understands the importance of data and data analytics generated and used in HR and supervisory work
- is able to interpret research data related to supervisory work
- understands the importance of measurement in organizational management
- understands the benefits and significance of digitalisation and new systems in company management and HR work
- is able to utilize the latest tools in management in their own work community.


How does digitalization help in the company's HR and supervisory work?
How to find up-to-date research information on leadership and how to apply it in one's own work?
What are the current indicators in supervisory work?
How do information systems help in HR and supervisory work? What is the importance of knowledge management in the tasks in question?
What are current management systems and how do they contribute to the management of the organization: Lean, Standards, OKR, etc.?
What do artificial intelligence, robotics and social media bring to leadership and how are they used in leadership?

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

Students recognize the importance of data, data analytics and measurement in managerial work, are familiar with various management tools and are able to name the most common systems used in management.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student recognizes the opportunities and importance of digitalisation in the company's HR and supervisory work. They are familiar with the most common indicators of management and are able to compare their suitability in different situations. They are able to choose management tools and systems suitable for their own working environment from the given options.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

Students are able to search for a wide range of research information on the management and measurement of organisations and are able to apply the information they find in practice. Students have a broad understanding of modern systems and AI applications in management, are able to use the latest tools in their own work community and assess their suitability for different environments. The student comprehensively understands the importance of data management and data analytics in the management of a company.