Russia as a Market AreaLaajuus (5 op)
Tunnus: 3H00EM64
5 op
The course material reviews Russia as a market area from various angles of view.
After completing the course, the student:
- has acquired knowledge and an overview of the specific characteristics of Russian society, such as political, legislative, economic, social and cultural features; knowing also of their background, development as well as their impact on Russia as a market area
- is able to review Russia from the perspective of international trade and business opportunities, taking the above mentioned basis into account
- knows and is able to use the main information sources related to the different sections of the course
- is able to apply the competence acquired in different business situations, when needed
The course is implemented online.
What are the socio-cultural features of the Russian way of doing business?
What are the political and governmental issues in Russia?
What are the legal aspects and laws that concern economic environment in Russia?
- Russia in the Global Economy
- Legal Aspects
- Russian Business Environment
- Russian Business Culture
- Trade Barriers, Sanctions & Remedies
- Marketing and Logistics in Russia
- Entering Russian Market
Arviointikriteerit, tyydyttävä (1-2)
All the given tasks are completed by the deadlines.
Arviointikriteerit, hyvä (3-4)
All the given tasks are completed by the deadlines. The presentations are good and there is some new information. Quiz-exams in Tabula are passed with good points (3). The stu-dent has been active in virtual discussions.
Arviointikriteerit, kiitettävä (5)
All the given tasks are completed by the deadlines. The presentations are excellent, infor-mation research has been profound and using several data resources. Quiz-exams in the online learning environment are passed with excellent points (5). The student has been very active in discussions and brought new information to the debates.