Themes of the LeadershipLaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 3H00DP41
5 op
In this course the students gain deeper knowledge about different leadership theories and themes.
After completing the course the students
- have got a wide knowledge of leadership themes
- understand the meaning of leadership theories
- recognize the different themes of leadership
- are able to put them into practice in their own organizations.
What are strategic leadership, diversity leadership, crises leadership, shared leadership, etc.?
What is modern management / leadership?
How can one develop the leadership in their own organization and grow into a talent man-ager?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student knows different theories and themes concerning leadership and is able to list the most common features about some of them.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student knows the most common themes of leadership and is able to choose some fea-tures from them to use in practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student understands deeply the different theories and themes concerning the leader-ship, is able to evaluate and combine them successfully, and put them into practice in their own organization.
Enrolment period
02.12.2024 - 31.12.2024
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Toni Lehtimäki
- Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Objectives (course unit)
In this course the students gain deeper knowledge about different leadership theories and themes.
After completing the course the students
- have got a wide knowledge of leadership themes
- understand the meaning of leadership theories
- recognize the different themes of leadership
- are able to put them into practice in their own organizations.
Content (course unit)
What are strategic leadership, diversity leadership, crises leadership, shared leadership, etc.?
What is modern management / leadership?
How can one develop the leadership in their own organization and grow into a talent man-ager?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows different theories and themes concerning leadership and is able to list the most common features about some of them.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student knows the most common themes of leadership and is able to choose some fea-tures from them to use in practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student understands deeply the different theories and themes concerning the leader-ship, is able to evaluate and combine them successfully, and put them into practice in their own organization.
Exam schedules
Thursday 13.2.2025 at 14.00-17.00. The exam will be done at once together with the group.
Assessment methods and criteria
4-5: There has been used at least 5 sources in the exam. All the pre given questions are answered in panel discussion. All panelists are participating actively.
3-4: At least 4 sources have been utilized in the exam. Almost all the pre given questions are answered in panel discussion. All panelists are participating actively.
1-2: Less than three sources have been utilized in exam. Only few panelists are particvipating the panel discussion.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Methods like group lecturing, work, individual work and drama pedagogical rehearsals will be used.
This course will be kept in the class room (except one Thursday in Zoom).
Learning materials
ease find the recommendation list in Moodle.
Student workload
App.137 hours (5 study points)
Completion alternatives
This course is approved by participating at least 4 times out of 6. You can also apply acceptance-application regarding your previous experience.
Enrolment period
02.12.2024 - 31.01.2025
01.01.2025 - 31.07.2025
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Toni Lehtimäki
- Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Person in charge
Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Objectives (course unit)
In this course the students gain deeper knowledge about different leadership theories and themes.
After completing the course the students
- have got a wide knowledge of leadership themes
- understand the meaning of leadership theories
- recognize the different themes of leadership
- are able to put them into practice in their own organizations.
Content (course unit)
What are strategic leadership, diversity leadership, crises leadership, shared leadership, etc.?
What is modern management / leadership?
How can one develop the leadership in their own organization and grow into a talent man-ager?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows different theories and themes concerning leadership and is able to list the most common features about some of them.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student knows the most common themes of leadership and is able to choose some fea-tures from them to use in practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student understands deeply the different theories and themes concerning the leader-ship, is able to evaluate and combine them successfully, and put them into practice in their own organization.
Location and time
Thursday 23.01.2025 08.00 - 11.00 AT PRESENT: class room C4-04b: Toni Lehtimäki (TOPIC: Self Leadership)
Thursday 20.02.2025 08.00 - 11.00 REMOTELY: Pauliina Airaksinen (TOPIC: Leadership Theories)
Thursday20.03.2025 08.00 - 11.00 REMOTELY: Toni Lehtimäki (TOPIC:
Thursday 24.04.2025 08.00 - 11.00 REMOTELY: Pauliina Airaksinen
Exam schedules
The course will be approved after the Learning Diary has been delivered and evaluated by the lectures. Deadline for the Learning Diary delivery is on Friday 2nd of May at 22.00.
Assessment methods and criteria
The Learning Diary will be evaluated by the following criterias:
5: Every lecture has been reflected and learnings has been applyed to own life/working life. LD includes 10 resources.
4: Every lecture has been reflected and earnings has been applyed to own life/working life. LD includes 8 resources.
3. Only 3 lectures has been reflected and learnings has been only partially applied. LD includes only 8 resources.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
Methods like lecturing, group work, individual work and drama pedagogical rehearsals will be used.
This course will be kept remotely except the very first lecture which will be held in class room.
All the other lectures (3 times) will be held remotely, there fore your need to make sure your camera is working.
Completion alternatives
Being present is obligatory. If you are sick, please contact lectures.
Enrolment period
22.11.2023 - 07.01.2024
01.01.2024 - 25.02.2024
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Toni Lehtimäki
- Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Person in charge
Toni Lehtimäki
Objectives (course unit)
In this course the students gain deeper knowledge about different leadership theories and themes.
After completing the course the students
- have got a wide knowledge of leadership themes
- understand the meaning of leadership theories
- recognize the different themes of leadership
- are able to put them into practice in their own organizations.
Content (course unit)
What are strategic leadership, diversity leadership, crises leadership, shared leadership, etc.?
What is modern management / leadership?
How can one develop the leadership in their own organization and grow into a talent man-ager?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows different theories and themes concerning leadership and is able to list the most common features about some of them.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student knows the most common themes of leadership and is able to choose some fea-tures from them to use in practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student understands deeply the different theories and themes concerning the leader-ship, is able to evaluate and combine them successfully, and put them into practice in their own organization.
Assessment scale
Enrolment period
23.11.2022 - 13.01.2023
01.01.2023 - 26.02.2023
5 op
Mode of delivery
Contact teaching
Business Administration
TAMK Main Campus
Teaching languages
- English
Degree programmes
- Degree Programme in Business Administration
- Toni Lehtimäki
- Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Person in charge
Pauliina Airaksinen-Aminoff
Objectives (course unit)
In this course the students gain deeper knowledge about different leadership theories and themes.
After completing the course the students
- have got a wide knowledge of leadership themes
- understand the meaning of leadership theories
- recognize the different themes of leadership
- are able to put them into practice in their own organizations.
Content (course unit)
What are strategic leadership, diversity leadership, crises leadership, shared leadership, etc.?
What is modern management / leadership?
How can one develop the leadership in their own organization and grow into a talent man-ager?
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2) (course unit)
The student knows different theories and themes concerning leadership and is able to list the most common features about some of them.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4) (course unit)
The student knows the most common themes of leadership and is able to choose some fea-tures from them to use in practice.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5) (course unit)
The student understands deeply the different theories and themes concerning the leader-ship, is able to evaluate and combine them successfully, and put them into practice in their own organization.
Exam schedules
21.2.2023 group exam between 11.00-14.00 together with your group members, who will be chosen by Pauliina.
Assessment methods and criteria
The course has an exam, which will be made by the whole group.
The course is completed by being present and completing the assigned tasks (2 book reflections by videos, and learning diary). For this reason, the presence is mandatory. Absences only with a doctor's permission.
Assessment scale
Teaching methods
The teaching methods are:
-group work
-individual tasks
-drama pedagogical exercises
Learning materials
Please make sure, that your video connection is working. Unfortunately we can't accept participants, who can't participate with the camera on when required (it is never required to have camera on during the whole 4 hours lecture, mainly when meeting in the beginning, during interactive communication, and group work).
Student workload
The course take a total of 40 hours, in addition to which the student will read 2 books and make book reflections from them by videos. In addition to this, the course includes group assignments and individual assignments, which are introduced during the first course. In. addition, we have reserved two lecture sessions for doing the assignments from the lectures.
Completion alternatives
No optional performance methods.