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Emerging Intelligent TechnologiesLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: 4A00HH92


5 op


During this course, the student is introduced to the latest industry technologies and their applications in a practical and hands-on manner. The student will learn to identify and evaluate current technological innovations. Emphasis is placed on the concrete utilization of new technologies, and students will work on a project where the learned concepts are applied to solve real-world challenges. The student will be able to analyze the impact of various technologies across different industries and assess their potential responsibly and ethically. The course enhances students’ technical understanding, teamwork skills, and ability to apply technology in an innovative and practical way.


• Current technological trends
• Applying new technologies for business and societal development
• Practical project work: Applying intelligent technology to solve real-world problems
• Hands-on practice with technological tools and platforms
• Responsible, ethical, and innovative application of technologies

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student recognizes emerging intelligent technologies at a basic level and can provide simple examples of their practical application. Their ability to analyze the potential impact or integrate these technologies into a concrete project remains limited, and they require guidance in team-based tasks.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student demonstrates the ability to evaluate current technological innovations and apply them effectively to solve real-world challenges. They show competence in collaborating within a project team, take responsibility for their role, and address ethical and societal considerations to a reasonable extent.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student demonstrates a thorough understanding of emerging intelligent technologies and applies them innovatively in a hands-on project, producing highly relevant and insightful solutions. They critically evaluate the broader impacts of these technologies, including ethical considerations, and collaborate effectively to ensure sustainable and responsible implementation.