Product Development Project IILaajuus (5 cr)
Code: 4A00HH80
5 op
The goal is to provide the skills to act as a member of a development team in an agile genuine product development project, to develop working life skills and oneself as an ICT expert, and to analyze the requirements of ICT field tasks. The student is able to act appropriately in oral workplace communication and interaction situations, considering the recipient, the situation, and the requirements of the field.
After completing the course, the student
• knows the basic principles of teamwork and knows how to act in accordance with them.
• can reflect and develop himself as part of a team.
• can work as part of an agile practical project team.
• knows the principles of the innovation process and prototyping.
• can communicate orally in both project team settings and customer communication situations.
Project Planning and Implementation (3.5 ECTS)
• Practical implementation of the product development project as a member of the development team
• Working as a member of the development team, roles, reviews, feedback discussions
• The team's shared and personal use of time
• Ideation methods and innovation process
• Prototyping
• Principles of agile development
• Agile software development practices
Oral Communication 1.5 ECTS
• Oral communication and interpersonal skills in the workplace (e.g., customer communication)
Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)
The student
• can describe the activities of the development team and their own activities as a member of the development team.
• knows the basic principles of time management.
• identifies the characteristics of an ICT expert.
• identifies the job opportunities offered by the ICT sector.
• participates as a member of an agile project and is able to work with assistance.
Assessment criteria, good (3-4)
The student can
• act as a member of the development team.
• evaluate own activities as a member of the development team.
• develop and plan their own time management.
• evaluate yourself as an ICT expert.
• analyze the job requirements of the ICT sector.
• the student is able to work in an agile project team.
Assessment criteria, excellent (5)
The student controls and can
• develop the activities of the development team and his own activities as a member of it.
• use his personal time efficiently.
• work in an agile project team, taking responsibility for planning and review sessions.
• develop oneself according to the requirements of the tasks in the ICT sector.