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Swedish for Business Life ILaajuus (3 cr)

Code: 4A00HH73


3 op


The student recognizes various communication situations in working life and acts in a way that is appropriate for the situation in Swedish. They understand the main points of speech from customers, colleagues, and other work partners, and are able to communicate, provide information, and give instructions to them. The student understands the key points of spoken and written texts containing factual information related to work or the field. The student also understands that language learning is a continuous process and that progress is possible regardless of the starting level. The most important factors are personal initiative and the willingness to learn, as well as doing one's best to improve.


• Texts related to one's own profession
• Communication situations in working life
• Written and oral exercises
• Learning content integrated into the student's own profession
• Presentations and discussions

The student's total workload is 81 hours.

Assessment criteria, satisfactory (1-2)

The student is able to participate in the most common, predictable language use situations in working life and uses simple structures and individual words in their communication. The student develops their command of terminology related to their field during the course. The attitude towards language learning is positive.

Assessment criteria, good (3-4)

The student manages reasonably well in the most common, predictable language use situations in working life and uses structures and phrases in their communication in a fairly idiomatic way. The student is able to use the terminology related to their field that they have learned during the course. The attitude towards language learning is positive.

Assessment criteria, excellent (5)

The student manages well in various language use situations in working life, mastering the structures effectively and using them in a versatile manner. The student uses the terminology and expressions related to their field idiomatically and extensively. The attitude towards language learning is positive.

Further information

Be involved in the course from the first session. In that session, we will go through the course tasks, objectives, and requirements.
The same requirements apply to everyone, and everyone will complete the same assignments.
You will need a computer in class, and it is recommended to have a pen and paper.

In this course, you will complete the written language proficiency assessment of the Finnish Government Language Examination, and in the Business Swedish II course, you will complete the oral language proficiency assessment of the Finnish Government Language Examination.