Career PlanningLaajuus (1 cr)
Code: NN00GW26
1 op
In this course, students receive support for planning their own career paths.
After completion the course, student
- Can describe their own competence as multidimensional, multilevel, and comprehensive competence map and career story.
- Can summarize their strengths, interests, and future career goals into a purposeful skills profile and visual CV.
What have I learned along the way? - Knowledge, skills, and social networks
Who am I? - Personal attributes
What career path am I aiming for? - Career story, skills profile, and visual CV
Assessment criteria, pass/fail
Approved: The student has demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes of the course.
Failed: The student has not demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes.
Enrolment period
02.07.2024 - 31.07.2025
01.08.2024 - 30.05.2025
1 op
Virtual portion
1 op
Mode of delivery
Online learning
Teaching languages
- Finnish
0 - 100
- Antti Haapio
- Outi Wallin
Objectives (course unit)
In this course, students receive support for planning their own career paths.
After completion the course, student
- Can describe their own competence as multidimensional, multilevel, and comprehensive competence map and career story.
- Can summarize their strengths, interests, and future career goals into a purposeful skills profile and visual CV.
Content (course unit)
What have I learned along the way? - Knowledge, skills, and social networks
Who am I? - Personal attributes
What career path am I aiming for? - Career story, skills profile, and visual CV
Assessment criteria, pass/fail (course unit)
Approved: The student has demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes of the course.
Failed: The student has not demonstrated achievement of the learning outcomes.
Assessment scale