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Final CampLaajuus (5 cr)

Code: NA00FU99


5 op


During the course, the student team organises a "final camp", which serves as a final highlight in the end of the studies. In the course student team give a final demonstration of their multidisciplinary skills. The team will be able to combine individual professional interests, the theoretical knowledge they have gained with a practical challenge to solve.

- Team is able to successfully operate in an international environment
- Team is able to build an international network.
- Team is able to apply different innovation and brainstorming tools in an international environment.
- Team will be able to solve a variety of assignments for international organisations and to familiarise him/herself with the organisational and communication culture of the target country.


How to innovate and develop new activities in an international environment?
What is required to operate in an international environment?
What are the strengths and development needs of the team and the student in international activities?