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Dance and Movement 4Laajuus (4 cr)

Code: 2X00GZ73


4 op


The student’s self-reflection skills and analytical thinking have developed. They have deepened their understanding of different dance styles and movement qualities. The student perceives and applies their previously acquired dance and movement knowledge as a tool for conveying expression and content, particularly in the context of musical theater work. They can work systematically and independently, as well as collaboratively within a group.


The content is adapted according to the dance proficiency level (see additional course details). The course consists of various teaching modules aimed at enhancing students’ fundamental understanding of body control, basic dance techniques across different styles, and exercises for movement memory and coordination. The topics covered include
• applying movement material
• musicality and movement expression, as well as movement improvisation
• dance technique, movement quality, and choreography exercises


Dance and Movement 3 has been successfully completed.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Passed: The student demonstrates technical and artistic control of body movement and effectively highlights the distinctive features of different dance styles at the appropriate level. Their body control and expression are moderately diverse, and they have good command over movement sequences and spatial awareness. Their presence is natural.
Rejected: The student exhibits significant deficiencies in the above-mentioned areas.

Further information

Dance instruction is organized into three proficiency levels:
Level I: Basic level or beginners.
Level II: Intermediate level.
Level III: Advanced level, possibly including professional studies or equivalent qualifications.
Students participate in dance classes corresponding to their own proficiency level, as determined by their dance instructor. While students may request a change of proficiency level with the instructor’s approval, it is not guaranteed that the proficiency level will change during their studies.
Attendance: 80% attendance is required.