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Acting 4Laajuus (4 cr)

Code: 2X00GZ65


4 op


The student utilizes the skills and techniques learned as part of their work as a musical artist. They understand the dramatic arcs at the level of individual scenes, roles, and entire plays. The student is capable of acting in a full play or other extensive theater text context. They can seek and apply information, and deepen their learning to function in a professional setting. The student can work independently as an actor in a professional theater-like environment.


In the course, students engage in acting exercises to enhance previously acquired skills and deepen their understanding of techniques and ideas.
• The course involves working on a complete or abridged play script or other dramatic context, allowing each student to develop a character arc spanning at least one role.
•The teaching methods aim to elucidate professional requirements and align with the practices prevalent in professional theaters.
• Whenever feasible, students prepare a demo performance based on the text material studied during the course.


Acting 3 has been successfully completed.

Assessment criteria, pass/fail

Passed: The student masters and applies various acting techniques in their work at the appropriate level, highlighting the distinctive features of different styles. Their expression is reasonably versatile and personal, and they demonstrate excellent control over artistic compositions.
Rejected: The student exhibits significant deficiencies in the above-mentioned areas.

Further information

Attendance 80%